
Friday, August 24, 2007

The Dachshund Underground Railroad: Delivering Lilly

Meet beautiful 'Lilly!' Lilly is a chocolate and tan piebald dachshund with ticking. Last weekend, MidWest Dachshund Rescue coordinated Lilly's travel through the heart of the midwest, the beginning of her search for her new forever home. This is a special post today, as guest contributor Christa V. got to transport Lilly on the final leg of the journey towards finding that forever home, and provides the heartwarming account. From Christa V:
Picture a city driver who typically is a bit highstrung anyway, stuck in construction traffic, in a downpour, with a full-figured doxie said driver has never met before planted firmly on said driver’s bladder. Is Lilly the Rescued Lady continent? (A. Yes, more so than I feel at that moment.) Is Lilly prone to anxiety? (A. Evidently not as much as I am.) So the interior of the (borrowed, new) car is safe.
Lilly is the product of a broken home; she parted from her sad human mommy early that morning, after a long drive from Jefferson City, Missouri. I met this pretty and extremely sweet girl in the afternoon, in Gardner. Illinois. My mission: to bring her to her foster home in the western suburbs of Chicago, on a recent run of the doxie railroad for Midwest Dachshund Rescue.
We had quite a conversation during our hours in traffic. I told Lilly about how she would soon find another home where people would love her very much. Lilly sighed softly and shifted her weight on my bladder. I told Lilly about my own doxies, and how one was a rescue, and what they both did for fun, and how perhaps Lilly would find a home near us and come to dachshund meetups with us. Lilly sat up on my lap and kissed me. (On the lips, and on the interstate.) I played reggae music on the radio. Lilly stood on my bladder to look out at the other cars and did a little dance. I gently encouraged Lilly to sit down.
After a mere two hours together, Lilly and I achieved quite a rapport. She followed on my heels as I unloaded the car at her foster home. She introduced herself nicely to her foster family, which includes two senior doxies and a doxie/chi mix. She made straight for the patio door with the nice view of the yard; she seems to enjoy watching the world go by. She followed me out to the car again. In addition to being cute as a doll and happy as a quiet little clam, Lilly is open and loving to all she meets. It was hard to say goodbye to her. I hope I see her again, but there’s one thing of which I’m certain -- she will meet with all the love and lap time she richly deserves.
(In this account, no implied endorsement should be read in support of driving with a dog on one’s lap; the crate with which Lilly arrived did not fit my car. Always protect small vulnerable dogs by securing them with a crate or seat belt.)
If you live in the midwest, and would be interested in such a great little gal, please contact Midwest Dachshund Rescue.
UPDATE 9/4/07: Lillie is no longer available for adoption.


  1. This dog looks EXACTLY like my dog Amber. Please email me at and I can send you a picture of her. She looks exactly the same as Lilly.

  2. [IMG][/IMG]

  3. The direct link to a picture of Amber on my photobucket page is :
