
Friday, May 10, 2013

A Note From Bette and Rowdy: Please Stand By

Your Long and Short of it All hosts, 'Bette,' and 'Rowdy'

Dear Gentle Readers,

We're going on a little vacation, but we'll be back real soon with more Dachshund news, fun, videos, photos, art, pop culture, stories - you name it.  In the meantime, give your Mommas a great big wet kiss for Mother's Day.  MWAH!!

Yours in Dachshund Love,
Rowdy and Bette.....


  1. Enjoy yourselves (and behave yourselves!) and MAYBE when you get back we'll have springtime? Maybe?

  2. Have a great time!

    Lily Belle

  3. Rowdy, Bette & Dad,

    Cinnmon's Humans and the PA Piebalds (Maggie, Max & Melly) stopping by to say we hope you have a great vacation. We assume that you are allowing your Dad to tag along (and pay!), right?

    Thanks for the news about the MWDR event next weekend, as well. We're going to make it a point to donate to this great organization.

    We look forward to your return, and plenty of action-packed vacation photos. Bless you again for continuing on with TLASOIA. Being able to visit with you makes our day, every day.

    Peace & Love,
    Cinnamon's Humans and the PA
    Piebalds Maggie, Max & Melly

  4. Ya'll look CUTE together!!!!!!!!!!!! just sayin'

  5. Hope you are having a wonderful vacation!


  6. Rowdy & Bette,

    Cinnamon's Humans from PA, just stopping by even though we know no one is minding the store!! We just wanted to share with you guys, and the reading/viewing public, how thankful we are that your guys, and your Dad, decided to continue on with The Long And Short Of It All. You make our day.

    Hope and trust that you are all having a great time, and that Rowdy & Bette have, on at least one occassion, helped their Dad out by picking up a check, or two.

    Bless you all, and the Angels, too.

    Peace & Love,

    Cinnmon's Humans &
    The PA Piebalds

  7. Hey is there another way to submit post-worthy material? Here is a great dachshund shot on Tumblr:

  8. Rowdy & Bette.

    Just wanted to leave a 'thank goodness you're back!' message on your answering machine, but we couldn't find your phone number. That, and our humans have so far chosen no to teach us how to read, let alone use the telephone.

    Anyway, in advance of your return to Chicago, and blogging, we just want to say 'welcome home, Rowdy and Bette!' We miss you terribly when you're away.

    Look forward to hearing about our amazing vacation.

    Peace & Love from:
    Cinnamon's Human's and the PA
    Piebalds, Maggie, Max & Melly

  9. Awe! Those are such cute dogs! I bet that the dog vet they go to is always ecstatic to see them. I know I would be!
