
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dachshunds at Bath & Body Works

Thanks to our pals 'Koko' and 'Hershey' Allen for taking the time to write us with nice pics of the Dachshund goods you can get this holiday season at Bath & Body works!  They write:

Hey Joey and Rowdy!
We went to see Santa the other day (we being Koko and Hershey) and stopped at the Bath and Body Works while at the mall (yes we only go to the see the REAL Santa at the mall, who by the way mentioned that he has doxies too but they were home with Mrs. Claus so we didn't get to meet them).
Imagine our delight in seeing that there were dashing dachshunds displayed around the store! They even have a new fragrance for the holidays called Frosted Snowberry that has a little white wiener dog on the bottles! Our Momma took pictures for us to send you.
We enjoy reading your blog and want to wish you a Merry Christmas!


  1. OMD... where is Mama's credit card, I needs to order some of these...


  2. And it smells deloxcious, too. Woof!
