
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Architecture For Dachshunds

We've been waiting with bated breath for this new website to launch - Architecture For Dogs - and today, November 15th, 2012 is the big day!  "What's it all about, Joey and Rowdy?" you may ask.  Well, De Zeen magazine explains it pretty clearly:

Architects and designers have designed a series of downloadable architectural structures that are just for dogs.
Organised by Kenya Hara, the creative director of MUJI, Architecture for Dogs is an open-source network where dog-owners can download the templates for each of the thirteen designs, then build them for themselves.
Each designer was asked to think up a structure that would alter the way that people interact with their pet, so Atelier Bow-Wow have designed a ramp for a Dachshund that helps it make eye contact with its owner, in spite of its short legs. “We thought about stairs, but their bodies are too long and they risk hurting their hips,” said the architects, explaining their design for a folding slope.

So humans get busy - the designs are free!  We highly encourage you all to make a visit to Architecture For Dogs - the site is simply amazing and will leave you with a big giant smile if nothing else.  Really.

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