
Monday, July 2, 2012

Mr. Abraham Lincoln and Dachshund

Nice, but we don't think so. 

Photo source unknown.


  1. Of course it's fake! In the 1860's dachshunds were all red smooth!!

  2. I've heard dogs look like their owners....Just sayin'

  3. The race began with its formal organization when it was written in the Sink-Stammbuch Deutscher (the studbook pedigree dogs German), a standard of perfection for it. When presented with the first volume of this book of genealogical sources in 1840 included those with short hair and long hair. Half a century later, in 1890, were included coarse hair. Continued publication until 1935.

  4. Hi, this came from Old Timey Oscar (, the owner of which Photoshops their dachshund into old photos!

  5. Lincoln did own a small dog named Jip who was described as being very clever. It would stand on it's hind legs and wave it's paws. It was very attached to Lincoln but I cannot find what breed the dog was. Being clever and loyal is what dachshunds do best so it's possible he may have owned one but I doubt it's the one in this picture.
