
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Wiener

Grab a long dog, set 'em on your lap, and get ready to meet pretty little red smooth 'Mitzi.' 
Excellent short film by vimeoer Jack Toczyski. 


  1. who doesn't love a man with his wiener! just joking. super cute story!!!! made me smile. :)
    -coco beane, roxie lou and annie em

  2. What a cutie! I loved how dedicated he is (and how understanding his wife is!).

  3. 4th place? I don't think so. Mitzi's a winner in my book!

  4. Jayne D. and AnnieBelleJune 12, 2012 at 4:27 PM

    Excellent, riveting (for me) film !! Beautiful, sweet, pretty girl Mitzi - obviously well-loved by her Dad and Mom. What is it about Dachshunds ? They are simply irresistable. Are owners of other breeds as nuts about them as we are about our doxies ? Thank you for sharing ! Kindly, Jayne and Annie

  5. Best video ever (and you know we watch all the videos you post!)! It is fabulous and made us feel so warm and happy. Love this story; love the film.

    Thank you for making us wag today.
    Tootsie & Renee

  6. Lovely video. My husband feels the same way about our two dachshunds. Yes, he will be gettng a Father's Day card from the dogs as well as the kids. :)

  7. How delightful, so well filmed. I've picked up a few tips too!

  8. LOVED it :) Although my husband would never admit it as much as this fellow has, he is completely smitten with our two wee ones. I swear the dogs get more attention when he comes home from work than I do!
