
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pookie the Dachshund Prepares to Write the Great American Canine Novel

(Photo: Alexander Nazaryan)

Thanks very much to Alexander Nazaryan, Deputy Op-Ed Editor of the New York Daily News for writing in with a link to his latest piece.  Hilarious!   It's a bit too short to excerpt, so here it is in all its entirety for your reading pleasure:

She sat there, deep in thought: How could she, a dachshund in the autumn of her life, put on paper all she had learned about la condition chien? The constant begging for treats, the humiliating reference to her elongated shape, the squirrels she had chased, the dirty socks she had devoured.

Once, there had been a crust of pizza that she managed to eat off the sidewalk. Oh, it was so many years ago now, but the faint taste of pepperoni flooded back, as had Proust's taste of that youthful madeleine, and with it, all the memories of her canine life that she was now inspired to record for eternity.

Quickly she wrote, for she knew that soon her master would demand she go out for her evening poop.

We'll be first in line when Pookie's novel comes out.


  1. lol - I love this!!

  2. Linda and the CrittersApril 25, 2012 at 7:53 PM

    We'll be second in line!

  3. ;-) ah yes the "evening poop" is always a distraction to a writer who's in the grove!

  4. Jayne D. and AnnieBelleMay 1, 2012 at 7:40 PM

    She is darling with her sweet face and inside-out ear !! She needs a booster seat to reach the typewriter !! Sounds like a very fun novel - looking foward to its release. Kindly, Jayne and Annie
