
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy Pi(e) Day!

Dylan's attempt to shout "Happy Pi(e) day from all the treetops!

We would have totally forgotten the extra snuggles tonight if it weren't for our handsome friend 'Dylan' writing in:

Hi Joey and Rowdy,

I know Wed traditionally belongs to the wires but Wed 3/14 is an extra special day since it is PI(e) Day!  There are 52 Wednesdays in a year but only 1 PI(e) Day.  I was hoping we could get a shout out to all the wonderful PI(e)s out there?   Joey should also get extra treats today....I already have that well trained into my human :)

your PI(e) brother

Stand up and be's treats galore for all the piebald brethren!

Related:  Joey's Corner: Piebalds in Nature

1 comment:

  1. sweet reminder Dylan...and happy treats for Joey! Baron sends a couple of extra WOOFS for the piebalds!!!
