
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Drabbling In The Rain

Did our favorite comic Drabble miss the mark this time?   Rain?  Does your Dachsie like the rain? 

Thanks as always to our pal 'Princess Lea,' who hails all the way from Slovenia, for sending this in.

Read more Drabble at GOCOMICS.


  1. I agree, in fact I left a comment on Gocomics. My first Dachshund Watson would take one look at rain and think "maybe I will go out after lunch" and go laydown. My current crew of three feel pretty much the same way, although Spaatz will go out after a squirrel no matter the weather.

  2. Great comic!

    I carry an umbrella when it rains so Baron won't get wet...he seldom stays under I don't think he minds!

  3. My Black Smooth April hates the rain and will did her heels in like pulling a donkey. My long haired mini Lady will drag me out the door like shes a Labrador.

  4. Love Drabble.

    Walkie outside guys??
    The 4 run to the door and then do a complete turn and run back to kitchen. They hide under the table and don't move. Thier probably saying to each other "don't move and she won't see us hiding". LOL

  5. My smooth girl hates the rain, but if we bring out an umbrella, she's ok with that. It's quite the sight to see.

  6. All my life I have had smooth coated ones - they HATED the rain and would avoid it at all costs!
    Now I have a wirehair and she LOVES it! The wetter, dirtier, muddier, messier, the better! She is a little wild child!

  7. My Ranger Buddy was a smooth red and he loved the rain. The rest of the pack would hide and just look at him like he was crazy

  8. Oskar would rather endure a root canal than go out in the rain, or cold. As excited as he is about walks, if the weather is bad, he comes to a screeching halt at the door and all bets are off until the conditions are acceptable.

  9. Jayne D. and AnnieBelleJanuary 19, 2012 at 3:13 PM

    Our dog Annie hates the rain, and hates to get her feet wet for any reason - she even hates to walk on the lawn if it is wet - Kindly, Jayne and Annie

  10. Finnegan (smooth coat mini) HATES the rain or snow. With lots of ENTHUSIASM on my part he will go out and do his thing. Or pee and poop on the floor if I am not super cautious.

    Abby, our ChiWeeny is better with the rain/snow stuff and in fact LIKES the snow. Bounds about in it and refuses to come in until she is ready :) Usually after prancing around the front yard and sticking her nose in it a half dozen times :)

  11. we love the snow but not the rain :) Lea culdes up on the couch and doesn't move... If cought in the rain she stand under a nearby tree or roof and waits. no umbrella or coat can help:)

  12. My Oscar will hold it in until he can't possibly hold it in any longer before he'll go out in the rain. He won't even go to the edge of the carport and pee, even though the roof goes out far enough that he won't get wet. Schnitzel will, at least, go out to the edge of the carport.
