
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sweet Maggie

Maggie, September 9th, 2011

Thanks so much for all the kind comments and emails for your Long and Short of it All hostess 'Maggie.'  She is still in the hospital dealing with her most recent bout of pancreatitis.  Dad and Joey have gone to visit her every 12 hours this weekend.   She seems to have declined a little while in the hospital, she wouldn't pee last night for us, and no longer sits up and acts excited when we come to visit.  She is on pain meds, anti-nauseants, and IV hydration.  She did poop this morning, it was firm, so that was good, and there was no blood in her stools or anything which happened last time she was in for pancreatitis. 
As far as her lab values go, her liver is messed up pretty bad, and when she is discharged the good veterinarian wants to start her on a neutraceutical with SAM-e in it, says he has seen good results.  Another liver value is pointing to a blockage somewhere, possibly in the gallbladder, so she will also be started on ursodiol for that (Joey is also on ursodiol for his "gallbladder sludge").  And finally, since her pancreatitis has become chronic, we're going to try an antibiotic for 6 weeks that they give humans with chronic pancreatitis.  There are no guarantees that it will do anything, you really can't treat pancreatitis, but we will try. 
The plan was to bring her home on Monday morning, which would be 72 hours in the hospital.  We were to trial her with a few bites of food today, and if she was eating well Monday morning, then she could come home.  She wouldn't eat any of her food this morning though, so she probably won't be home tomorrow.
We're hoping and praying that she turns around quickly.


  1. Oh, I was thinking about Maggie today. I am praying she does a turn around too and gets to come home and is feeling better. Bless her heart....I was hoping for a better report. Thinking about you guys!

  2. We are disappointed to read Maggie's latest update. If only her dad's and Joey's love for her could restore her health, then she would be coming home tomorrow as hoped. We will continue our prayers for her.

    ~Shar, Sawyer, Abby, and foster Skittles

  3. Sweet sweet Maggie! We all love her and pray for her full recovery.

  4. Our hearts and prayers go out to all of you for better news and recovery for sweet beautiful Maggie and her wonderful family.
    John and Ozzie

  5. Feel better sweet Maggie, Hugs & sloppy kisses from Oscar.

  6. Tears of empathy running down my face as I read your post. Sending you and darling Maggie best wishes. It sounds like you have an amazing vet team your working with. Will be thinking of you.

  7. Oh, sweet girl . . .
    We are all rooting for you!
    Sending love and healing prayers from everywhere.

    Hildy & my mom, Nancy

  8. Maggie Maggie. I know your Dad is so scared. At least he nows all about this drug stuff. I know he will see you have the best. He loves you guys so much. If only wishing made it so. Love you both. We all feel like we know you. Carson hang on.

    Love you

  9. Jayne D. and AnnieBelleSeptember 11, 2011 at 5:27 PM

    We are keeping up our constant prayers for you, sweet little Maggie, as well as for Carson and Joey. Please God hear our prayers for this little dog, keep her comfortable, and make her strong once again. ASAP, please. With love and prayers, Jayne and Annie

  10. Dear Maggie, We are sending you our best, also thinking of your Dad and Joey. Please be well.
    Love from K & J

  11. So sorry to hear that Maggie is doing it tough. Our thoughts are with you.

  12. Sweet Maggie....
    sending up prayers for you to get well very soon and home to your family. We love you! Amy, Keith, and your four legged fans, Molly and Maggie.

  13. We were so hoping for a better report but we know that things can turn around quickly at times and hopefully Maggie will be restored to health soon and you can bring her home. She has the best brother and Dad ever! Sending love to Maggie! Linda, Frankie and Maggie Moss

  14. Thinking of you, Maggie! Hope you feel better real soon.

  15. Maggie, you hang in there girfriend. Eat something so you can get on home.
    Love Ruby & Penny

  16. So much positive energy and prayers are streaming in your can do it Maggie!!! Be strong, your family and friends love you and want only the best for you. You can do it, sweet Maggie!


  17. Heide with Hanne and the gangSeptember 12, 2011 at 12:57 AM

    Dear Maggie - you must be so tired of this - but hang in there, slowly it will heal and you will feel better - you and Dad and Joey - tough time - we're thinking of you to get better! Leo friends and Hanne!

  18. Dear maggie, and also Dad and Joey... sad to hear such sad news, but like you we're hoping for the best... Maggie is strong and with a bit of help and love swe know she'll pull it thru... keeping our paws crossed and sending lots of love and kisses...
    Princess Lea

  19. I am sorry to hear about poor Maggie. It breaks my heart to see her sick. I will be praying for her.

    -Jane in Hawaii and the furry babies

  20. praying for maggie's recovery

    love pat & toby

  21. Dear Maggie, Odie and Mom are praying for you!

  22. We hope that Maggie feels well again! Sorry to hear that she is ill. We'll wait for an update and are sending good wien-vibes her way!
    -S and the crazy wiener gang

  23. Hi little Miss Maggie. Mom just opened your blog and told us u are not well and to cross our paws and send u lots of doxie sloppy kisses and to tell u to get well soon cause we miss u. U, Joey and your dad has become our syber-space friends whom we look forward every day to open up your blog and catch all your dachshunds news and stuff. so u see Maggie girl u gotta get better real fast cause it ain't the same without u. (mom says dad Carson reads all the mail to u so u know your friends are rooting for u). Joey and Carson keep strong we are sending u all our good healing vibes and prayers. Shilo, Sass, Maggie and Skyla from Quebec Canada XXXXXXX

  24. Cynthia (Geneva's mom)September 12, 2011 at 7:59 AM

    Come on, Maggie, please try your best to eat something and get out of there. We're thinking of you and hoping you'll be back home son.

  25. (((((((Maggie)))))))

    ((wagging tails for support))


  26. Maggie, your homegirls Lolita and Pandora in Evanston are so sad to hear that you are in the hospital and we are rooting for you to get well soon.

  27. Oh Maggie, the Museum crew sends you so much get-well loving! Come home to your family and friends soon!

  28. Hi Maggie, we've said a prayer for you and your Dad that you will get better. Hang in there!

    Baxter, Baxter's Mom and Dad

  29. Maggie,

    Our hearts are with you & Dad & Joey. Praying for a full recovery. Hang in there.

  30. We hope Maggie feels better soon! Sounds like she has great care and a daddy & brother who love her very much. Exactly what she needs! Speedy recovery, beautiful girl...

  31. Maggie, feel better soon!

    Our Minnie Girl, who is the same age as you are, struggles with Cushings and pancreatitis too. She was on antibiotics for quite awhile during and after her last episode. We changed her diet to the vet-prescribed W/D canned and dry variety, and even though I'm not a fan of that type of food, for her it has made a world of difference. She has been eating it for about 8 months now and so far, she hasn't shown any signs of the pancreatitis returning, and prior to this she had had 3 or 4 bouts of it. Might be something for you to try.

    Mom Lyn and the dachshund kids: Nellie, Minnie, Kirby and Henry

  32. Maggie: You're a good girl and I know you will get better soon! In the meantime, I will bark extra long and loud at the squirrels (and dogs and cats and people and leaves and city buses and...) in my neighborhood in your honor. Much love and healing thoughts sent your way,
    Mina the mini-doxie ruler of the neighborhood.

  33. We're pulling for you sweet Maggie. Us longdogs can be one tough customer. Wishing you many bright, sunshiny days.

    Turbo and Lily

  34. Our hearts are reaching out to you, dear Maggie. Love and good energy are flowing to you from Melinda and Teagan

  35. oh dear sweet maggie! my heart breaks for you girl! a good poop is a good sign. our prayers are with you little girl.

    my roxie lou had CRONIC pancreatitis too and our vet determined she was allergic to her food. we are on rabbit/potato blend and have been pancreatitis free for over a year and half....

    all our love and prayers,
    Roxie Lou, Coco Beane and Auntie Annie Em

  36. Oh, poor baby :(

    I hope Maggie gets well soon :)

    Kisses from Portugal

  37. Having an ailing dog is so hard. We are so sorry to hear about Maggie and your difficulties. We, too, are hoping she turns around soon.

  38. Maggie!
    Feel better soon!!!!!!

    Muki from Hungary

  39. Lots of love for you three!

    Califia & Enzo
