
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Beloved Maggie - December 23, 2000 - September 13, 2011

Dad's Little Girl Goddess

Our hearts are overflowing with unbearable pain and sadness as we relay the passing of our sweet baby Maggie, your Long and Short of it All hostess.  We're hoping to be able to write something to honor our beautiful girl in the next few days, but for now...we just can't, and nothing would ever be good enough, so how do we even proceed?   Suffice to say that you may not hear from us for some time.  Maggie's ultrasound today showed that she had liver cancer - unrelated to the Cushing's disease, and not treatable.   The tumors were "too numerous to count" and did not exist just 4 short months ago when she had her last ultrasound.  She was put to rest just a few hours after the ultrasound results with friends and her Dad at her side on the floor with her, as she lay comfortably and content on a warm blanket.  We were hoping to have Joey by her side as well, but sometimes things just don't go as you would like them to.  We've got a good feeling that "Joey knows."   We spent a lot of time reminiscing with her, loving her, stroking her, hugging her, kissing her, caressing her, and telling her of how special and beautiful she was and how all her friends - both near and far, loved her very much.  She passed quietly in our arms.

Now if only the pain would pass - oh God, the pain.  Our home is empty and cold.  Please hug your little ones tight.

I wandered today to the hill, Maggie
To watch the scene below
The creek and the old rusty mill, Maggie
Where we sat in the long, long ago.
The green grove is gone from the hill, Maggie
Where first the daisies had sprung
The old rusty mill is now still, Maggie
Since you and I were young.

And now we are aged and grey, Maggie
The trials of life nearly done
Let us sing of the days that are gone, Maggie
When you and I were young.

A city so silent and lone, Maggie
Where the young and the gay and the best
In polished white mansions of stone, Maggie
Have each found a place of rest
Is built where the birds used to play, Maggie
And join in the songs that were sung
For we sang just as gay as did they, Maggie
When you and I were young.

They say I am feeble with age, Maggie
My steps are less sprightly than then
My face is a well written page, Maggie
And time, time alone was the pen.

They say we are aged and grey, Maggie
As spray by the white breakers flung
But to me you're as fair as you were, Maggie
When you and I were young.

When You and I Were Young, Maggie; words by George Washington Johnson, 1864.

It's unfortunate that the original video we posted here, a beautiful acapella version of When You and I Were Young, Maggie, was removed from youtube, but this version by Donna Stewart and Ron Andrico is also quite beautiful.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss! My heart breaks for you. Tears welled up as I read your post. Sweet Maggie will be missed by her adoring readers.

  2. I am so, so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine what you are feeling right now. I will think about you and Joey this evening with hopes that you find some comfort knowing that Maggie is no longer in pain.

    May her little heart and soul rest in peace.

    Andrea, Winston, Belvedere, Finnegan and Napoleon.

  3. I am so so sorry to hear of Maggie's passing. How lucky you were to have one another and to have shared so much love. I am relieved that you could spare Maggie the pain of her disease and you were able to be with her to tell her how much she was loved by you all...and I hope you know that your stories keep her alive in the hearts of those who have come to know you...out here. My thoughts and heart is with you.

  4. I was checking this blog a lot today. After reading how sick sweet Maggie was, I just didn't think she had long to live. I'm so sad for all of you in losing your sweetheart but I must also commend you on having the courage to help relieve her of her pain. It is a decision I don't know if I could make for my doxie. She had so many problems that in time, you will get past the hurt and realize that she is now pain (and medicine) free and in a better place. I do believe dogs go on to a better life because they mean so much to us here. All the best to you and especially little Joey on getting through this sad day.

  5. so heartbroken for your loss ... tears for you. Wishing you peace in the coming days and weeks... you did everything possible for sweet Maggie; she could not have been more loved. so so sorry... from leo and hogan and mom in virginia beach.

  6. (((((((((((((((((( Sending love your way )))))))))))))))))
    We are heartbroken too -
    Thank you for allowing us to get to know both Maggie and Joey - Maggie is in our heart and memories forever.
    Hildy the doxie and Nancy her mom.


  7. I am so very sorry to hear this. I just don't know what to say. My heart breaks for you and the passing of sweet, sweet Maggie. I know the pain is unimaginable of the events of this day. Please know I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. It seems so little at a time like this.

  8. I am so very sorry Carson. Just know that Little Maggie is at peace now. You did everything that you could possibly do. Hopefully you will feel the love from so many people to help you through this difficult time.

    Our thoughts and prayers will be with you...The Sheridan Avenue Boys and Me.

  9. You will never lose the joy that Maggie has brought into your life, Carson. The love that you shared with her has become a part of who you are today, a perfect dachshund dad and a champion for animal rights.

    In tears of sorrow,
    Shar, Sawyer, and Abby

  10. My heart is broken over your loss. I have endured the loss of my sweet Shotsie eleven years ago. She is still missed today. May God wrap his arms around your family and ease your pain. We will all mourn the loss of Miss Maggie, may you all meet again in a better place. Bruce Kime

  11. Carson and Joey, Words do not begin to express how sorry I am for your loss. What a beautiful girl was your Maggie and your love for her just flows from your posts. I am glad that she had you with her. She will always be with you.

  12. What can I say? Dear girl, with her big, lovely, soulful eyes. The pain is so great because so was your love for her. I'm so glad you have little Joey there to help you through this. I, like so many, am thinking of you.

  13. God Speed, Maggie. God bless you Carson. May you hold Joey a little tighter tonight. Maggie will live on forever in your memory and in your heart.

  14. Oh no! I logged on again after checking all day for some good news. I'm so sorry for your loss and pain. Thank you for allowing us to share in your lives. Praying for you to have comfort and peace - your friends in Arkansas.

  15. I am so sorry to hear the news. Rest in peace, Maggie! She will be remembered in the hearts of so many!! All of her family (both doggie and human) are in our thoughts.

  16. what large holes our little friends leave in our heart when it is time to say goodbye. rest in peace sweet maggie, and the warmest of hugs to joey and his dad, now, and always. <3

  17. Maggie... we never met... but you were loved....
    So sorry for your loss.... words are not enough... know that my thoughts are with you....

  18. Words cannot express how sorry and devastated we are about Maggie's passing. We are thinking of you and are praying for your comfort, strength and courage in this difficult time. Give Joey a hug from us.

  19. I am very sorry for your loss. Thank you for letting Maggie into all of our lives these past few years.

    Our older dachshund is going to turn 9 and, although in good health (knock on wood), I fear a day like this coming too soon. I hope that we can handle it with as much class and dignity as you have.

    I am going to give my two dachshunds a big long hug.

    Couper, Godiva and their Big Buddy

  20. Oh, no! My heart sank when I saw the title of your post. I am extremely sorry for your loss and have tears in my eyes just imagining what you must feel right now. Please take care of yourselves and your family and we will be here when you get back to the bloggy world.

  21. The loss of our beloved pets is tremendous. Thank you for letting Maggie and Joey be a part of our lives. They and you have touched many hearts - more than you can ever imagine. Maggie rest in peace.

    Your friends in Kansas
    Oscar, Edie and Coco

  22. Oh no. Sweet Maggie. Know without a doubt that your friends are all here for you, sending you love and warmth.
    Maggie is free from from all pain and fear, meeting friends old and new on the other shore, getting ready to meet you there when the day comes.
    With big hugs and so much love from the Museum crew.

  23. oh, sweet sweet Maggie!

    I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved pup - sending love, comfort and peace to you right now.

    I'm thinking of Maggie without pain, running and playing and happy.

    thank you for letting all of us get to know Maggie - she is loved by many!

    Kris + Basil

  24. I have been trying for hours to finish a simple three page paper in the midst of a heartbreaking romantic break-up. I've also been checking the blog several times today for any updates, fearing that a post like this would be present. If I feel this incapable of finishing this assignment in lieu of Maggie's passing and the sadness and tears that it has caused, then I can't possibly comprehend the depths of your grief at this moment. Thank you for the love you have given both your little ones. You went above and beyond what so many are willing or in some cases able to do: from the healthiest of diets to the utmost medical care. And thank you for relaying the news to us so soon knowing how much your followers have bonded with Maggie through your posts. We will all understand your necessary retreat from the blog

    With so much love and hope for healing,


  25. I may be halfway round the world, but I feel the pain you must be going through right now.

    I hope you find consolation in the fact that you had provided her with the best any dog could ask for, so much love and affection words cannot describe. Sharing the story of her life with the whole world and generating so many fans of that four-legged beauty, what more can a doxie ask for?

    I hope you look after yourself and Joey.

    RIP Maggie.

    Thank you, for letting us into Maggie's life.

  26. The amazing, unconditional, pure love that our dachshunds give us makes the pain of their passing almost unbearable. Thank you for sharing your sweet Maggie's life with us. Our sincere condolences to Carson and Joey during this dark and painful time.

    Lyn + Nelly, Minnie, Kirby and Henry

  27. The Tin Man said it best: "Now I know I have a heart - because it's breaking."

    All our love to you and Joey,
    Auntie Keren
    Guinness, Merlin, Dr. Beau Leaky and Aima DoraBelle
    (And Coquita BunAnna, our stalking Rabbit)

  28. Oh I am so very sorry for your loss. I was so hoping for a full recovery for Maggie. Hugs & prayers from Pittsburgh, PA.

  29. If it should be that I grow frail and weak,

    And pain should keep me from my sleep,

    Then will you do what must be done,

    For this, the last battle, can't be won.

    You will be sad I understand,

    But don't let grief then stay your hand,

    For on this day, more than the rest,

    Your love and friendship must stand the test.

    We have had so many happy years,

    You wouldn't want me to suffer so.

    When the time comes, please, let me go.

    Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,

    Only, stay with me till the end

    And hold me firm and speak to me,

    Until my eyes no longer see.

    I know in time you will agree

    It is a kindness you do to me.

    Although my tail its last has waved,

    From pain and suffering I have been saved.

    Don't grieve that it must be you,

    Who has to decide this thing to do;

    We've been so close,we two, these years

    Don't let your heart hold any tears.

    Author Unknown

  30. please accept our deepest sympathies for maggie. i can't imagine what you're feeling.

    pat & toby

  31. Tears flowing here in London, UK
    Rest in peace Maggie.

    Love and Hugs to Joey and Carson

  32. We feel yor loss and grieve the passing of a georgeous and sweet doxie Maggie.
    Our hearts are with you and may the pain go away so the wonderfull memories might come forwyrd again...

    Prncess Lea&Jošt

  33. I don't think anything we could say will heal your heart and I am so sorry for your loss...My own is three years and I try not to think about the day when he will go because I can't imagine the pain. Please remember all of the memories you have with Maggie and know that she was so happy with you and Joey. We all loved her and have this blog to celebrate her life. Please take the time you need to deal with your loss; we will be sending well wishes your way for months to come!

  34. My condolences on the death of Maggie.Little angel...
    I feel your pain with all my heart!!!
    We have two doxies,Muki and Zsebi.
    Whising you peace....

    ildiko from Hungary

  35. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. We became doxie lovers almost 4 years ago when we suprised our daughter with Scooby for Christmas. I stumbled upon your blog a year or so ago and have been reading it since. Our hearts and prayers go out to you.


  36. So, so sorry for your loss.
    Run with the wind sweet Maggie.
    Love Ruby, Penny and Joyelle

  37. May your many happy memories help to get you through this painful time. Hugs to Joey.

  38. I'm so sorry for your family's loss. I know letting her go was hard, but I hope she's having a wonderful, pain-free, food-full first day at the Bridge. Hugs to Dad and Joey from Raleigh, NC.

  39. (((((((((((Carson))))))))))))))


  40. Heide with Hanne, Sugar and the LeosSeptember 14, 2011 at 6:25 AM

    Carson and Joey, - what can I say. I know your pain too well. We are so very sorry of your loss. You have given her so much and she loved you so. Eykko will take care of her while they're waiting at the bridge. Run free little Maggie and Eykko.

  41. My heart broke this morning when your blog loaded and I read the heading. I am so sorry for your loss. There is nothing that anyone can say to make you feel better. The only thing that can help is time. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.

  42. I know the heartbreak you are feeling, as I've been in your shoes (having to put down a special dachshund boy a few years ago). It is the hardest thing I have ever had to endure, period. As others have said, time will, indeed, start the healing process. Sweet Maggie will ALWAYS be in your heart. I wish you didn't have to go through this,and I wish I knew something to say that would make you feel better; if only for a moment. I am deeply sorry for your loss and will keep you and Joey in my thoughts. Much love, Liz and Mina (the mini doxie ruler of the neighborhood) in Michigan.

  43. I know there is little I can say to provide comfort.. but I am so sorry for your loss... as an avid reader of your blog.. the loss is being felt in so many hearts.. thank you for sharing Maggie's life with us...

    God Bless.

  44. Rest in peace sweet Maggie. What a lucky dog to have been so very much loved her whole life and to have you with her until the very end. May time mend your broken heart. While she may no longer be on this earth, she will forever live on in your heart.

  45. Oh, dear dear Carson and Joey, I know that your hearts are in such pain. You know you did the best thing for Maggie but right now that may not be much consolation.
    Our hearts are with you and tears are flowing as I type this. Maggie touched my heart and I know many other people are also grieving.
    But right now you have to take you own time to be with Joey and be with memories of the sweet sweet Maggie. I was blessed to know her; when she came up with those deep eyes it melted your heart. She wanted to be in my lap at one meetup and I must say I felt honored to be able to hold her that close for awhile.
    I love you, dear Carson. Be well, hold your friends close and Joey closer. Remember to eat, take care of yourself. And know that Maggie is running and playing with Louie, Jeeves and all of the dogs you have known and loved that are over the bridge.

  46. Oh Joey and Carson, we are so so sorry to hear of little Maggie's passing. She was a very well loved little girl. We understand the hurt u are feeling we've been there but know u did the right thing by her always and till the very end. She is now pain free and running in the grass at the Rainbow Bridge. We will ask our little loved ones LollyPop and Happy who are also there to keep close to her till u all meet again. We will light another candle tonight for Maggie. RIP little girl. Love from Shilo, Sass, Maggie and Skyla and human mom Patricia from Quebec Canada

  47. My heart's breaking for you guys...

  48. Oh Sweet Maggie--May you run and jump and roam pain free now, and gobble all the treats you want.

    Run free with all our doxies at the Rainbow Bridge....

    I cry with you today, and hope that time will return a smile to your hearts, Joey and Carson.

    With peace and hugs, (and kleenex), Jenny and Kate on the East Coast

  49. Hi Joey and Carson, please accept our prayers for both of you on the loss of Maggie. I know words won't help a whole lot right now but please know of us are all reaching out with prayers and thoughts for both of you that the Good Lord will ease the pain and great memories of Maggie will shine through.

    Baxter's Dad

  50. I am so sorry for your loss. Your love for Maggie and Joey shines through in every post you write about them, and I know you will have a hole in your heart for some time. Hang in there!

  51. We are so sorry for your loss. Our hearts break for you and Joey. I'm confident Maggie is playing with all of the other angel dachshunds at Rainbow Bridge (including my own Candie.) May you and Joey find comfort and peace in this time in each other. T&P

    Rolly and Erin

  52. I am so so so sorry. I too know the hole in the heart because of our dear Max's passing this May. She is such a beautiful sweet girl and I hope that she is playing with Max right now on the Rainbow Bridge.

    She was an amazing girl (as are all of them) and even though I never met her I miss her too.

    Love and Hugs.

  53. Oh, Carson and Joey, we are so incredibly sorry for your loss. Maggie was indeed a sweet, beautiful girl who personified Doxie spunk and love.

    We will be thinking of you and grieving with you in the days to come. At least she is no longer in pain, and she passed knowing nothing but incredible love.

    --Holly, Oscar, and Hans

  54. Back when I was considering being owned by a dachshund I happened upon "The Long and Short of it All". I fell in love with the breed even more through your love for Miss Maggie and Mr. Joey. Our hearts break for you and Joey. May you find comfort and peace today and the days to come.

    Much love and prayers,
    Shelle, Reed
    Milo and Dixie

  55. Oh no! So sorry about sweet Maggie. She had the best life she could have ever had and was loved so much. We are so lucky to have these precious babies in our lives, but it's always too short a time. So sad for you.....

  56. Our hearts are heavy for you and Joey. Maggie was so loved. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Joey.
    Love, Rachel and Fred

  57. My wife and I will receive our own first mini-daschshund puppy in mid-October. Joey, Maggie, and this wonderful blog (which I check almost daily) have been central to our growing dachshund love, and we thank her for it.

  58. Blessings on you as Maggie crosses the rainbow bridge and is now out of pain. It's so hard to loose a beloved pet.

  59. David, Palo, Zig, and HarleySeptember 14, 2011 at 8:46 AM

    words cannot begin to express how sorry I am for your loss. Although I never met her in person your writings of sweet Maggie showed her love for life and character. Be strong for Joey hes going to need extra love during this hard time. I will always cherish your writings of Sweet Maggie she will be missed.

  60. As I was reading this tears were streaming down my face. Knowing how much you love your furkids I knew your pain must be great. I do hope you understand that as bad as the pain in your heart is, you made the best decision for Maggie and that took much courage and love.
    The hole left in your heart will ache less with time, your tears will not fall quiet so fast, and your memories will help you thru this time.
    Hug Joey extra tight when you fell you feel the pain is just too much. You two will pull each other thru this.
    Raquel & Lola

  61. Beautiful Maggie lived a most loving, cared-for life thanks to Carson and her brother Joey. Her eyes reflected that. Remember her warmth, love and beauty...that will give you reason to smile again.

  62. Cynthia (Geneva's mom)September 14, 2011 at 9:14 AM

    I opened the blog with trepidation this morning, and my worst fears were confirmed. I am so very sorry and sad that you had to say goodbye to your precious little girl. There's nothing more that I can say that will make it hurt less.
    Carson and Joey, I am aching for you today.

  63. What a beautiful girl Maggie was! My thoughts and prayers are with all those who's lives she touched. Especially with those that were with her everyday. May time and memories heal your pain.

  64. Oh I am so very, very sorry for your loss. RIP sweet Maggie.

  65. There are no words when this happens that can ease the pain. But know that Maggie's not sad, she's not crying, we're crying cause we miss her and want her her with us. Grief is the worst kind of pain, cause it makes no sense. Strength and prayers going out to you and Joey.

  66. I am so sorry about your Maggie. She is beautiful in that picture. Maybe we can just cry on each others shoulders as our 15 year old doxie, Frankie, just died on Saturday. It's just so stinkin' hard. They become such a member of the family and Frankie had been in our family from the beginning. So from one raw heart to another, I am so so sorry.

  67. It's a tradition over in my neck of the woods that when someone's pet dies we all give the rest of our packs extra treats. Treats for doing all their tricks like breathing, standing, napping, all the good stuff. So today I'm putting out the word to spoil everyone in Maggie's honor. I feel I can speak for everyone when I say, we are so very sorry for your loss.

  68. Godspeed pretty girl! Godspeed!

    My deepest sympathies to Mom, Dad, and Joey!

    Stillwells dad

  69. No dog ever, anywhere, was better loved than your Maggie, Carson. She's in a good place now; Zeppelin is probably pestering her while Rusty watches lazily on the sidelines. And Maggie's not complaining because she's too much of a little lady.
    Peace and love from Christa, Tony, Bruno, Olga and Latka

  70. I signed online this morning just to see how Sweet Maggie was doing. My heart broke along with yours reading the news. Praying that you somehow find strength and comfort during this time...I know your hearts are ripped out. RIP sweet girl.

  71. There are no words... I'm so sorry for your loss.

  72. I am so so very sorry to hear about Maggie's passing. I love your blog and have delighted in it every day. What a hole in your (and Joey's) hearts! I will certainly hug my little Kirby very tight tonight. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

    Linda B aka Kirby's mom

  73. Carson, What more can I add that hasn't already been expressed? Yes, Maggie is at peace and she had the most beautiful life you could have given her. So sorry for your loss and she will be missed by all.

  74. Just as some of the earlier posters wrote, my heart sank when I read the headline. I'm so, so very sorry for your--and Joey's--loss. Maggie was obviously a well-loved member of your family. It's little consolation, I know, but there is an emptiness in all of our--your readers'--hearts. My thoughts are with you and Joey in this sad time.

  75. So sorry for your loss. She will be missed by everyone. Thoughts of you and Joey are with us all.

  76. I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. You were all blessed to have her in your life. I know how much joy she brought to you and your family.

    Thinking of you with care,

    Kristi and my crew

  77. I've been a fan of Joey and Maggie's blog for several years now and have enjoyed keeping up with Maggie's adventures. My heart breaks for you and I can't imagine the pain you're going through right now, but I hope you take some comfort in knowing that she had a great run and you were able to share so many wonderful memories together. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  78. dear sweet maggie - i feel like you were one of my tears stream down my face. may you rest in peace....

    soooo sorry carson and joey for your loss.

    thoughts, prayers and love are with both of you!!
    -Roxie Lou, Coco Beane and Auntie Annie Em

  79. How sad to hear your little sweetheart is gone. It's strange how I feel like I know you, Maggie and Joey just from reading your blog. I hope you will be able to continue it at some point. I have enjoyed your writing so much, the happy and the sad. Our thoughts are with you.

    -Lauren, Isaac and Olga Boucher

  80. I know sorry is never NEVER enough. I lost my Sadie after 3 short years. Here's something that will always make me think of her, and now sweet little Maggie.

    If tears could build a stairway,
    and memories a lane,
    I'd walk right up to heave and bring you home again.

    Just remember this: that pain never goes away, but in time you become strong enough to bear it.
    Dachshund Nola

  81. Having lost a doxie daughter of my own, I know that there are no words to soothe the pain, loss and grief that you are feeling. Our 3 doxie family sends love and comfort, and we hope you find some solace in knowing that right now, she is free of the pain and discomfort of this disease, and she is waiting for you and Joey on the rainbow bridge...

    Hang in there, and love to Joey

  82. My heart goes out to you. Having been owned by dogs for over 60 years I know the pain you are going through. Tears are streaming. May the Lord wrap you in His comfort during your time of need. Many hugs and doxie kisses from DoxieMom, Tinker, Windy and Gretel

  83. I am feeling only sadness after reading about sweet little Maggie this morning. I checked last night but the update wasn't up yet so I went to bed with prayer for healing
    Maggie. I love the poem a poster sent. I know that Joey does "know" and I am glad you still have each other. I was hoping with all my heart Maggie could pull thru like Joey did last year. When I was a little girl I asked my aunt about pets in heaven. I will always remember that she said
    she didn't see how God could not have pets in heaven with the love
    they give to us. Maggie was very loved and many of us were only daily readers and felt like we knew Maggie, as evidenced by the out pouring of posts today of sorrow for you and your family and friends. Maggie was certainly a little celebrity!
    Please take care,
    Jane and Oscar

  84. Carson, my heart goes out to you in your time of sorrow and pain over the loss of your dear sweet Maggie. I know the pain is intense and that no words can provide much of solace. But I hope this excerpt of a poem by Dr Kirsti A Dyer may provide some comfort:
    "I am the wind in the trees
    and the song of a bird.
    I am moonbeams in a midnight sky
    and a glorious rainbow after the storm.
    I am morning dew
    and freshly-fallen snow.
    I am a butterfly flying overhead
    and a puppy happily at play.
    I am a smile on a stranger's face
    a gentle touch
    a warm embrace.

    Listen to the wind for my message of love.
    Watch the sun rise and set in the sky with me.
    Feel my essence encircle you with warm memories.
    Open your heart to know...I am not gone.
    Reach deep into your soul...You will find me.
    I am here.
    Have no fear.
    I am with you,
    © 1998 Kirsti A. Dyer
    (Angel scribe)

  85. RIP, sweet Maggie. We're gonna miss you! (Damn, I read this at work. Thank God it's allergy season.) {{{{Hugs}}}}

  86. Carson and Joey,
    Our hearts are breaking for you. Just know that Marrie is with you everyday in your hearts and that she will be waiting for you at the rainbow bridge free from pain.

    Jean S., Tess, Bella and Fiona

  87. I am so sorry for your lost. I'm sure Maggie had a wonderful life, you loved her so much. I hope that this poem of the rainbow bidge will remind you that you will see her again.

  88. We're so sad to learn that Maggie passed away. She was a beautiful, sweet girl. The news brought tears to our eyes, even though we only knew her through her blog. We share in your sadness and grief, and also in the happy and joyful memories of a wonderful doggie and a true friend.

    Pandora & Lolita

  89. Such heart breaking news to read. Sweet Maggie was lucky to have such great, devoted dog-parents as yourselves.

    There is not much to be said or done to console in times like these - but just know Milo and I have your whole family in our prayers!

  90. Such a sweet girl. I am so glad you surrounded her with love as she crossed the rainbow bridge. May the love of God surround you and your family during this time of grief.

  91. Carson and Joey,

    Our hearts and thoughts are with you. I know that this is one of the hardest moments of life.

    With all our love,
    Cyndy and the girls

  92. I am so sorry for your loss. I don't have the words - but I do know this: She had to have known she was loved and cherished. Had to.

  93. Oh, I just cried when I read the news. My deepest, most heartfelt sympathies for the loss of your beloved girl. She will be missed most profoundly.

    The pain must be absolutely unbearable (and cried buckets when my Ginny passed). Hugs to you and Joey. He must be grieving terribly as well.

    Will send you love and light to help you through this very dark time.

  94. We're so sorry to hear of your loss. Thank you for sharing the life of your beautiful lady, Maggie with us. Take time to grieve and remember... We'll all be waiting patiently when you're ready to come back to us. Big snuggle hugs to Joey and you as you move forward from this sadness.
    Best Regards, Kay & Penelopee

  95. Rest in peace Maggie. You are loved.

  96. Three years ago I lost my beloved Dad to cancer and I thought I could not go on with my life. I sat, day after day, in a haze on my couch, numb with grief. I soon turned to the internet to distract me and I would literally spend the entire day on the couch with my little doxie Wishy by my side. I was heartbroken. During this time, I discovered your blog and was introduced to the wonderful, whimsical world of Maggie and Joey. Every morning I would sign on and go straight to your blog and laugh, cry and enjoy the day to day postings. I never failed to come away with a good feeling about hope and life and love. I am writing this because I want you to know that this was Maggie's gift to me. A chance to feel something good and positive each morning and to believe that I could go on one more day. On this day I am tremendously sad for you and Joey and for all of us who have come to love Maggie. I know in my heart that she made a difference to so many and she will be missed. Love to you both and a big "thank you" from Wishy and me for sharing your Maggie with us. Please know that there are folks like us who are lucky to have known Maggie.
    xoxo Dawn and Wishy

  97. I am so sorry for your loss. It is one of the most heartbreaking things to go through. I still mourn the loss of my furbabies years later. What gets me through is remembering all the good times. All the special moments you had together.

  98. It pains me to read of your loss. I know how hard it is to lose a member of the family. I'm sure she knows how much you and those around her loved her. She was lucky to have such a wonderful life and I'm sure she's smiling down on all of you now.

  99. Melissa, Tim and Nahlah the DoxieSeptember 14, 2011 at 2:10 PM

    So sorry to hear about Maggie. Our hearts break for you and we pray that you and Joey find peace.

  100. Jayne D. and AnnieBelleSeptember 14, 2011 at 2:23 PM

    Oh, I am so very sorry about your sweet little dog Maggie. My heart is burning because I know how much you are hurting. Please know how much we care about you and Joey, and may God surround you with His loving arms and keep you peaceful and keep you from hurting. May God keep little Maggie in his loving arms. I know He will take such good care of her, and she will be fine with Him. Our love and prayers are always with you, Jayne and Annie

  101. Our hearts are with you in these dark days. It was good that you were able to spend time with beautiful Maggie at the end. That is something you will cherish for the rest of your life. Your family will continue to be in our thoughts and minds in the coming days, while you take some time off to recover.

    David, Michael and Harvey (woof)

  102. Carson and Joey:
    I feel so blessed and privileged that Ozzie and I were with Maggie, Joey and youself just two short weeks ago as we at other meetups and rescue event. A memory to treasure and a joy to share. I personally am numb with grief, so I can but imagine yourself and Joey. However something inside me tells me that Maggie would rather I took comfort from recalling her joy, love and 'specialness'. Ozzie (doxie mix)loved Maggie as I do. Be certain that Sweet Maggie is looking down especially upon you her Dad and Joey her Brother and on all of us who took joy in her to help us through this time of most extreme loss. Rest In Peace, Maggie. "And flights of Angels bring thee to thy rest."
    Your dear friends:
    John and Ozzie

  103. Waiting

    I got to the gate of Heaven yesterday after we said good-bye.
    I began to miss you terribly, because I heard you cry.

    Suddenly there was an Angel and she asked me to enter Heaven's gate. I asked her if I could stay outside for someone who'd be late.

    I wouldn't make much noise you see, I wouldn't bark or howl. I'll only wait here patiently and play with my tennis ball.

    The Angel said I could stay right here and wait for you to come. Because Heaven just wouldn't be Heaven if I went in alone.

    So I'll wait right here, you take your time, but keep me in your heart. Because Heaven just wouldn't be Heaven without you to warm my heart.

  104. I never met Maggie in person, but through the last couple of years I have visited Her and Joey every day. My heart sank this morning, and I cried like a baby. Maggie and Joey feel like part of my own Doxie family. Carson and Joey, my heart aches for you and the pain you are feeling.

  105. I am truly deeply so so sorry for your loss. Maggie was one of a kind and I appreciate all the photos and stories that I have viewed over my time reading this site on a daily basis. Warm wishes of peace and lots and lots of hugs and treats to Joey. Sending a lot of love, Steph & Charlie the dachshund in NYC

  106. I am so sad for you and Joey both! I cried at work when I read this. I just can't imagine! Dash and I are sending you lots of LOVE from Kansas City!

  107. Oh my god I am so so so so sorry for your loss. My eyes filled up with tears when I read this. My baby Shorty passed away in March. Right after it happened, I found your blog and started reading. Seeing how happy Joey and Maggie made you and how happy fellow dachshundists were with their babies helped ease my pain. So keep doing what you’re doing…it might help. There’s not an hour that goes by that I don’t miss Shorty, but her memory will always live on. Same with Maggie. We’ll always be able to reminisce about their funny habits and loyalty to us throughout their long, love-filled lives. They will never be forgotten you know they wouldn’t want us to be sad. There is no worse feeling than losing your best friend but I hope you and Joey are ok. Enjoy your time with him.

  108. I am so profoundly saddened by the news about Maggie. I have no words other than...I understand how difficult this loss is and will continue to be for you and Joey. My thoughts are with you and about you sending you support from afar as you mourn the loss of Maggie. Thank you for so openly allowing us to follow and share in your lives.

  109. We have been reading your blog for two years and an half and got to know Joey and Maggie quite a bit.

    We never felt an urge to leave a comment until now, nor send you a picture of our own little dackel girl, but we want to send you all our support and best wishes from the other side of the atlantic.

    When Miss Bliss got a uterus infection few months ago and went through surgery, your blog and images of happiness helped us to go through hard times, and now the three of us are thinking a lot about you.

    Maggie will be missed all over the world, but as many other readers wrote, she was lucky to be a part of your family, and was blessed with love and care. She is for sure watching you and Joey from a place with long sandy beaches, a lot of grass, toys and squirrels...

    Our dear little doxie will definitely sleep with us tonight, and she looked like she knew as soon as we went on the website that the news were not going to make her mommy smile but cry...

    We will think of you guys and Joey a lot, and hopefully will read and hear from you soon.

    From Munich, Bavaria, motherland of dackels,
    Hannah, Xavier and Miss Bliss.

  110. We've been following you for years. Oscar and I can't believe Maggie is gone. Our hearts go out to you!

    Mike and Oscar Doodle

  111. No words can express my sadness. I'm holding my little boy through tears.

  112. We are so sorry

    Lex and Bismarch

  113. Hug your little ones indeed. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Joey. Your beautiful Maggie will be missed dearly by all who knew her. Time is always too short! Robin & Macy

  114. We are so sorry for your irreplaceable loss.

    Jonathan, Paula, Dex and Red

  115. From an admirer:


    The dogs who've shared our lives.
    In subtle ways they let us know
    their spirit still survives.
    Old habits still make us think
    we hear a barking at the door.
    Or step back when we drop
    a tasty morsel on the floor.
    Our feet still go around the place
    the food dish used to be,
    And, sometime, coming home at night,
    we miss them terribly.
    And although time may bring new friends
    and a new food dish to fill,
    That one place in our hearts
    belongs to them...
    and (it) always will.

    ---Linda Barnes ---

  116. I'm so sorry and saddened by your loss of your beautiful girl Maggie. I hope that in time you will find peace and strength from her memories and your hearts will heal. Hug sweet Joey tight I know he misses her as well! hugs and prayers to you all!

  117. Teared up right away on seeing your posting about Maggie's death. I'm grateful you were able to be with her and to release her from further suffering. I'm sorry for your loss. My little Poncho will get a BIG hug tonight. I know someday, hopefully not too soon, I will have to say goodbye to him too. It is amazing how strong the bond of love can be between a pet and a human.


  118. Nie mam słów. Nie wiem, co powiedzieć. Dzięki Tobie jednak odchodziła otoczona miłością, spokojna i bezpieczna. Jest teraz spokojna, nic jej nie boli i biega po niebiańskich łąkach. Z moim jamnikiem 'Kłopotem'. Maggie zawsze będzie z nami.
    Bądźcie dzielni, przytul Joeya, będzie Cię potrzebował bardziej niż zwykle.
    Dużo ciepłych myśli z Polski, Magda, Sonia, Pusia i Bis.

  119. I cried when I opened the blog today and saw that Maggie was gone. Even when we do all that can be done, sometimes it just isn't meant to be. I had a very similar experience with my first dog Halfpint.
    Take comfort knowing Maggie is at peace and free of pain, looking down on you and Joey from above. Give Joey a hug for me, and you're in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

    Melissa with doxies Rocky,Jason,Bella,& Sammi

  120. Oh, I'm so sorry to read the heart breaking news. Sending hugs and love your way. Karen and Barney dog

  121. I've enjoyed reading about Maggie and am gutted reading the sad news. I wish you all the best as you try to heal and find peace. Give yourself time.

  122. I am so sorry to hear of Maggie's passing. Too many of us know what it is like to lose a precious beloved dachshund. Maggie couldn't have been given any better care or more love from another owner. Many prayers and wiener dog love is being sent your way!
    Mollie and Stretch

  123. With tears streaming down our face we read about the loss of your beloved Maggie. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Joey as you grieve her passing.

    Barb, Doug and the Dachshund Herd
    Virginia Beach, VA

  124. I am very sorry to hear of Maggie's passing. My wife and I and three doxies Coco, Oskar and Walnut with you all the best as you go through this difficult time. A big fan from Atlanta, GA

  125. My heart is breaking. I feel like I know Maggie and I can tell she was a special girl. I can only imagine the pain and sadness you and Joey are feeling. Try to be comforted that she is free of pain and we will see her and all her furry friends again some day.
    Love, Jane (and Claire, Donnie, Oskar and Rubio in Hawaii)

  126. I sit here and don't know what to say other than I am so sorry. I have had Dachsies my whole life but three years ago I got my own. I can't imagine and try not to think of the day when I will have to let her go. All I can say is time will ease your pain. We are thinking of you and Joey and praying that God will guide you through your grief.

    Mandi & Gracie

  127. My heart aches for you. I am so sorry to hear of this news. Maggie and Joey have brought many smiles to my face, and I wish upon all the doxie stars that you find peace that she knew how much you loved her. Lots of love and doxie hugs.
    Lindsay and my dachshund, Henry
    Cleveland, OH

  128. I am so sorry for your loss. Tears are streaming down my face as I read this. You made the right decision for Maggie, but I know it hurts all the same :'(

  129. We enjoyed Maggie's shopping bits and beautiful pictures.

    Losing a doxie is painful!

    As time goes on you will recall the special moments and fun you had together it will bring a sense of peace.

    Doxie Charlie aka Chuck- Albany, NY

  130. It is a sad time for all doxie lovers. Maggie will be missed by her many fans, but not as much as she will be missed by you and Joey. It is such a hard decision, but the right one. The only thing harder than losing a much loved pet is watching them suffer. We all love you and share in your sorrow. Maggie was a very lucky girl to have had such a great dad.

  131. A sad little bark from the north of Germany. Carson, Joey, we are so sad for your loss. We're right in front of the computer, tears running down our faces. We know that we cannot take away your pain and grief, but we want you to know that news from Joey and Maggie really made our day.
    It was right to let Maggie go - she shouldn't be in pain. We will miss her, but she will always be in our hearts. Give Joey a hug!
    Our hearts go out to you!
    Anika & Tobi (woof), Luebeck, Germany

  132. The love of Joey and Maggie helped me learned to smile again after losing my own little Samson. Over a year later-- it still hurts. Yet, somehow, we are each blessed with a superhuman (er, dachshund) strength to love again.

    Maggie was a beautiful girl and now she will be a beautiful spirit that will grace you for the rest of your life! Celebrate all the good times and preserve as many memories as possible.

    Hugging my Deacon close tonight and saying prayers for the beautiful Miss Maggie.

  133. i will miss the little girl so much. cant express my feelings, i am so sorry.

  134. Such a hansome girl, so sorry for your loss.I teared up at work reading this, my thoughts are with you

  135. My sincere condolences. I will hug my two angels today harder than ever!

  136. I'm so sad with the departure of Maggie :( She was so young, and I just can't imagine the pain that you are feeling. I remember how a few weeks ago there was a post about the funeral services for pets, and people talked what they would do for a last goodbye...looking back, we never thought that Maggie moment was coming...:(
    I'm trully sad and will never forget this wonderful and remarkable Dachshund. She was so beautifull and gracious, she was aging so well...this seems so unfair...

    Rest In Peace sweet Maggie.
    Gone too soon...

  137. OH NO. I am so sorry to hear this:( Losing a pup is one of the hardest things ever! I'm thinking about you guys. Death sucks.

  138. Maggie a cutie that will be missed!

  139. I am sorry to hear about your loss. As I sit here crying like a baby, my own doxie in my lap wondering why dad is making weird noises, all I can think about is how much it must hurt for you and yours.
    James and Badger

  140. Our hearts ache for you and Joey. Sending much Dachshund love your way.

  141. My heart is broken over the loss of your dear Maggie. She will forever be a part of you, and of all of your readers. I hope that you will soon be able to bring yourself to consider adopting a new friend for Joey. I've found that's the quickest way to begin to heal a heart after the loss of a dear pet.

  142. Tears flow silently as I remembered saying goodbye to our girl who labored to breathe with pneumonia tearing her lungs up. She looked at me with cataract filled eyes to say let me go Mama let me go.
    The pain does ease. The tears do dry. and then a "Maggie" will appear and remind you all over again.
    It is a good thing - she was loved! I pray God sends you His peace to heal the hurt.

  143. I can't tell you how sad we are for your loss. It is a great loss and we know that in time your feelings will be tempered to just sadness. Please hug Joey. We know he knows...they always do. Take extra good care of eachother and know that Maggie will be in many hearts and on many minds and will not be forgotten! your wiener buddies in Ohio...Melonie, Bridgette, Simon, Jerome and Sally

  144. I dont seem to know the words other then I am truly saddend that this pretty little girl has left your lives. Just know that she is watching down on you all and Joey from someplace where she isnt in pain and has all the treats that she could ever want.

  145. Kirby and I cried and cried when we heard the beautiful song and read the sad news of Maggie's passing. We know she is running free and will be waiting for you at the bridge.

    We are so sad for you and Joey

  146. We're so incredibly sorry to hear of your loss. We have been following for a long time now and feel lucky to catch a glimpse of your love for Maggie and Joey. She had the best big puppy eyes! Our hearts are breaking for you, sending hugs from Canada<3

    <3 Taia & Slinky

  147. I am so sorry for your loss.

    I love your blog. I've been an avid reader. You, Joey, and Maggie have brightened my life for the past year and a half.

    I often come here to cheer up. Today sadly this is not the case, and unfortunately this is a sadness that all dachshund lovers, all dog lovers, must face at some point. It hurts so bad I know, but we all have to admit that the suffering we feel at the end is worth enduring for the sake of a fraction of the good times you shared together in life.

    You and Joey are in our thoughts and prayers.

    -Stacey and Toby

  148. I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Maggie. It is very difficult and painful to make the decision to let your baby go but you did the most loving thing possible. She is free now from all the illnesses that held her back here on earth and is somewhere running and playing while she waits to see you again someday.

  149. With tears streaming down, no words can suffice to say how sorry we are for your loss. Maggie gave so much joy to so many people all around the world, and she will forever be remembered.
    May God wrap His cloak of Mercy around both you and Joey, and ease the pain in your hearts.
    Mufti, Naji and Marlo.

  150. I wish I had the words to convey my sorrow for your loss of little Maggie. It is never easy to let go of those little friends that mean so much to our lives. Their loss is felt most in the absence of an excited welcome home, a cuddle on the couch before bed, and a wagging tail first thing in the morning. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Joey.

    Harley & Lauren

  151. My wife and I pass along our condolences. Today I was thinking about how we've had our dachshund Frankie for three years now, and that he's one third of the way through his expected life span. He could live to be a healthy twenty, and it still wouldn't be enough.
    Let the world stop for a little while as you mourn your loss.
    Spend as much time with Joey as you can, remembering all the great memories you shared with Maggie.

  152. I am so sorry for your loss! You are in our thoughts and prayers and I wish there was something that could make this less painful.

    Love from Califia & Enzo.

  153. Sweet Maggie will be missed. Our hearts go out to you.
    Renee & Tootsie

  154. Shilo here from Quebec. Mama has been burning her strawberry scented candles all night. Last night I woke up (the cat hogged the blankets) and was mermerised by the flickering and bobbing flame creating different shades of color in the room. Mama woke and said yes my baby bean, that's Dad's little Goddess Maggie, running and dancing in the field with the other fur-angels. Look at her go, isn't she beautiful. Yes, there is an after, their spirits do live on. Mama tucked me back into the blankies beside her. So don't be too sad Maggie will always be with u. Love Shilo the dachie

  155. We are so sorry for your loss... Sending love and hugs from Canada,
    Nathalie, Bernard & Lexie

  156. Rest peacefully sweet Maggie. I am so sorry sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful girl.

  157. I only discovered your blog a couple of months ago, but I am just bawling at my desk right now. There is nothing I can say to make this pain go away, just know that you are not alone. RIP sweet Maggie.

  158. I cried when I read about Maggie's passing. I have enjoyed reading about her and Joey - thanks for sharing their lives with us. I feel your pain, in time you will be able to remember all the good times you had with Maggie, and I'm sure she will be watching over you. My condolences to you.

    Sue, Pepsi and Max in the UK

  159. Oh NO. So sorry to hear about Maggie. I haven't posted here before, but have followed the blog for several years and am a big fan.
    Always loved to see what Maggie and Joey were up to. I have had 3 dachsies pass over the years and it always rips my heart out. Tears are streaming down my face. Maggie and Joey have blessed so many people around the world. Now, Maggie an Angel while she was on earth, is an Angel in Heaven and is running and playing and healthy again playing with my beloved Dachsies - Sammy, Dixie and Katy and so many others that have gone on before all of us. I know it is so painful for you right now, but Maggie is not suffering. You did what was best for her and I admire you for that. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Joey.
    Ella, Clay, and our dachsies Sophia and Sadie.

  160. Goodnight Sweet Maggie. Thank you for allowing us to get to know both Maggie and Joey. Maggie was a a most delightful host and her loss will be felt by all doxie-lovers. My heart is with you all.

  161. Thinking of you Again today and looking at Maggies beautiful photos. It takes me back to when I suddenly lost my 15 year old Doxie, Nathan. I was so so sad for a very long time. Couldn't imagine ever feeling happy again. Fast forward almost 3 years and we have 2 Doxie rescues who make the house full of laughter and light again. My Nate holds a very special place in my heart and I think of him often. Time is the enemy; time is the healer. We wish you continued strength and peace in the coming days. Maggie was surely special. Mom, Hogan and Leo from V.B.

  162. we are so sad to hear of the passing of maggie. such a sweetie who will be missed by all. our thoughts and prayers are with you and joey. mees doxies(schnitzel; winfred; wilbur)

  163. I am so so sorry to hear about Maggie, and I too am crying at my desk now. Your blog is one of the sweet spots of my day, and I love to check in and see what is happening with your sweeties. Love to your family and to Joey, and love to Maggie, where ever she is - i am sure she is now running in sunshine and feeling no pain.

  164. My wife and I were devastated to hear the news. We lost our 13 y.o. girl a year ago (in the same manner) and Maggie's loss brought everything back like it was yesterday. We understand and empathize with you. It's such a devastating thing to lose a dog. Your whole life is structured around their routines, conditions and habits, and you can't help but feel lost once things settle down. They're small dogs with a huge presence. It's tremendously sad, and it seems so unfair. Take comfort in the joy she brought you and the readers of your blog. You went above and beyond what 98% of the populace would have done for their pet, so try to see the positive of providing her a beautiful life as long as you were able to. Out sympathies and condolences. She will be missed by many.

  165. Such a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl.

  166. Carson & Joey, I cannot even imagine the sorrow you must be going through right now. My heart is breaking for you. How I wish all dogs could be as loved as your precious Maggie.

  167. Dear Joey and Maggies Momma and Daddy,

    I am so sad. My little wiener heart is breaking. I know you are so so sad and I want you to know that I am saying doxie prayers for you. Joey, my fiance Austin is much older than me and I know he may not be around long into our marriage, but just knowing him has made my whole life better. I'm sure that Maggie loved you very much and she is happy now at the Rainbow Bridge and she wants you to be happy too until you are reunited. Please take care of your humans. They will need lots of extra licks and nuzzles.

    Your friend,

    Karli the Naked Wiener

  168. My condolences go out for you and your family on the loss of Maggie. I was saddened by the news on my latest visit. I have enjoyed your blog for quite a while now and you have helped me appreciate my 7 year old longhair that much more. Thank you for your time and effort in sharing Maggie and Joey with all of us out here. Take care of yourselves.

  169. I am so sorry for your loss.

  170. I read here so often and feel like Maggie and Joey are part of my dachshund family. Rest in peace beautiful girl. Hugs and love to Dad and Joey.

  171. Carson and Joey, its all been said before but it doesn't make it less heartfelt. We are soooo sorry to hear this news and are hearts and prayers are with you. Maggie will be missed.

  172. Dear Carson and Joey,

    I am so sorry about your precious Maggie. I cannot imagine what you must be feeling... I know that there is nothing we can do to help lessen your pain, but I want you to know that you are in our thoughts as we grieve the loss of our sweet and beautiful hostess, Maggie.

    Maggie will always hold a special place in our hearts and we will always remember her. She was very lucky to have had such a loving dad and brother.

    Maggie, we will miss you so much. Please watch over your dad and Joey as they will be missing you very much. I know you we will be missing them, too.

    With love,
    nina, franny + the doxiementary gang

  173. I've been trying for days to figure out what to say... My heart just breaks for you all. Maggie was such a beautiful doxi. I still can't read your posts with out tearing up. I am definitely hugging my 2 doxi's tight in Maggie's honor. You are all in my thoughts an prayers during this difficult time.

  174. I wish there were words. Keep thinking about Maggie and you all.

  175. I have summoned the Committee of The Whole (our 3 brownies and a raven haired beauty). We are all staring at this page together. For days... and this won't do! They convey the following; don't you know no little dachshund wants their friend and master to be unhappy? Maggie is fine now, she wants you two to be happy. So Carson and Joey we wish to remind you of the old saying "When you fall you get right back on the horse and ride!". There is much work to be done. Funny stories to share, dogs to be petted and admired, the latest hot doxie fashion trend reports to be given, hundreds of little orphaned dachshunds with homes needing to be found. And yes maybe, just maybe, there is one little girl who might just fill that big empty spot.

    So the committee has decided you two have one more week to wallow, and then the show most go on!

    With hugs and kisses for both of you,
    Abraham, Julia, Lady, and Cocoa My Boy

    P.S. Personally I'm hoping for a little wire haired addition to your family. Imagine the possibilities! ~V.

  176. Oh Carson,
    I am crying as I write this having just read your incredibly sad entry. Please accept my deepest sympathy and condolences on the loss of your Maggie. No words can make things better right now, I know, but I hope it is some small comfort to know that your many readers are sharing in your grief and wishing you the very best. I hope too that, in time, the many happy memories of life with Maggie will be a balm for your sadness.

    I only had the pleasure of petting beautiful Miss Maggie and seeing her in action with her friends a few times at Chicago Dachshund meetups before my move to Israel. But even in those brief meetings, I couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty. And I got a rich sense of her personality (not to mention impeccable taste in dachshund decor and accessories!) through reading your blog. She was a very, very special dachshund. And it seems like you gave her the very best possible life, one filled with love. Again, my condolences on your loss. You are in my thoughts during this difficult time.


    Becky (and Michael the dog)

  177. I can't even begin to find the words. Oscar and I send you love and peace.

    Much love,
    Oscar & Clara

  178. I like to think, that while they're waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge, there's a special area for all the dachshunds to hang out. There are dachshunds, dachshunds everywhere.

    Maybe Maggie will run into my Minnie there.

    They can run, and dig, and destroy tennis balls, and roll in Mysterious Unknown Things in the grass, and just have a grand time together while they wait for us there.

    Maggie had many wonderful friends in life, and she'll make many wonderful friends in the afterlife as well.

    You and Joey are in my thoughts and prayers.

  179. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sweet Maggie was lucky to have you as her dad. And, of course, you were very luck to have her. These little dogs are like heartbeats at our feet, a writer once said. It's very hard to lose them.

    Molly in McLean

  180. Carson we miss you so much. We do understand but please don't leave us. Maggie will always be with us. She will always be peeking over your shoulder. She was Daddy's girl. We miss you.


  181. very sorry for your loss :( i lost my baby recently as well, one of the hardest experiences in life. you might like this video i took of her a few months before she passed:

  182. So terribly sorry for your loss. She was beautiful and well loved.

    -- Rosie, Felix, Maisy and their Mom

  183. I read this post about the loss of your dear Maggie with such sorrow. My idea of heaven is all the dogs I have ever loved will come bounding toward me. Let's hope it's so.

  184. I am so, so, so very sorry to read about Maggie. I hadn't been online in about a week (been so busy at work). I can only imagine how you feel. My own Riley is like a child to me. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  185. I heard about your beloved doxie Maggie and tears are welling up in my eyes, it hits so close to home. Please know you are not alone, I had to put my 6, almost 7 year old dachshund to sleep a little over a month ago due to surgical complications and it was the most heartbreaking thing I could imagine. I thought I would die, the pain was almost unbearable, but believe me when I say time helps heal. Just know you did everything you could for her and she knows it. Most people wouldn't have done so much, she had a great life. I enjoy your blog, take your time and grieve, we understand.

  186. I am so very sorry for your loss. I know this is a very difficult time for you, take comfort in knowing that you did all you could for sweet Maggie and she is in a good place were treats never end, the food bowl is always full and if she liked her bunny rabbits, there are plenty of them as well. I have lost 2 special doxies within the last 18 months and I started crying reading your post. You and Joey are in my thoughts and prayers.

  187. My heart goes out to you, and tears of sadness came when I read this post. Maggie is a angel and will forever be with us. Love and and hugs to you and my deepest sympathy!!!!

  188. As the mom of a 2 year old long haired black and tan mini I am crying as I read your post. I am so very sorry for the loss of Maggie.

  189. If you are checking the blog, and your comments, please remember we are thinking of you, and send hugs and lix to both you and Joey.

    Lex and Bismarch

  190. to put some smiles on your face in these tough times, heres Wally:

    come back to us soon, we miss you both...

    kisses from LEa to make u feel even better...

  191. So sorry for your loss! This is my first time to this blog and first thing I saw was that Maggie passed on. May god be with you and your family...

    Your friends here in Beaumont, Tx! Mike, Nick, Sadie, Kiki, Sam, Max and baby Shylo

  192. I know I am not the only one checking here every day. I wish we could make it better. It just hurts so damn bad.

    To the guy who had just found this blog. Come back. I'm sure you can see how wonderful and fabulous Carson has been sharing all things Dachsie with all of us.


  193. Carson -
    I have been checking in daily. Missing you very much and hope you're finding some comfort in your memories and the comments here.
    xoxo, steph & charlie the doxie in nyc

  194. My thoughts and prayers are with both you and Joey as you struggle with the pain and grief. Know that we grieve with you. She was a very special girl.
    Teri and Ozzie.

  195. We are checking in every day and thinking of you and Joe. Take your time healing from your tremendous loss. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, it just comes to us in waves and you have to ride it out. You have loads of love and support from your friends and readers and that really says a lot about how much Maggie was loved! I would like to make a donation to a Dachshund rescue in Maggie's name, would that be okay? Take care of yourself.
    Dawn and Wishy

  196. I am so very sorry. Maggie was dear to everyone who visits this site. I know that she was your princess and Joey's precious sister. Maggie will be missed by so many -- world wide. Please accept our love and kind wishes. Thank you for your wonderful blog and we hope to hear from you when your heart is able to write.

  197. I am so very sorry for your very huge loss of sweet Maggie. Rest in Peace Sweetheart.
