
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lincoln Makes Special Appearance at Hallmark Store

Our buddy 'Lincoln,' one of those HANDSOME Sheridan Avenue Boys, made a special appearance (did he give pawtographs?) at Lloyd's Hallmark in Charlottesville, Virginia, last Saturday to promote his latest Hallmark card.  We can only imagine the frenzy of all the lady dogs who came out to catch a glimpse of him, and maybe even to garner a photo op!   Via the Charlottesville Examiner:

Kay Taylor, Lincoln’s mom, was on hand for the Saturday event, as well as some of Lincoln’s most ardent admirers. “It’s so exciting to see the cards doing so well and generating so much interest,” Taylor said. “And everyone at each of the local Hallmark stores has been so nice about getting Lincoln's card in and supporting our efforts to promote the cards,” she added.  Read more at the Charlottesville Examiner. 

Lincoln sure knows how to work the camera with his new "Get Well" card.


  1. What a ham! He is so handsome!

  2. First time I have seen him! What rock have I been hiding under? A hunka hunka! Gorgeous dog. liz

  3. Jayne D. and AnnieBelleAugust 11, 2011 at 7:03 PM

    What a beautiful boy Lincoln is!! He sure is photogenic!! Those eyes!! How special to have a card made in his honor!! Kindly, Jayne and Annie

  4. Love Lincoln & all his brothers!! Way to go Lincoln:)

  5. Thanks Everyone! I'll pass the comments on to Lincoln!
