
Saturday, May 28, 2011

'The Long and Short of it All' Turns Four Years Old

Prost!  It's our fourth anniversary and we're gonna party like it's 1929.  We had no idea that four years after our very first post on May 28, 2007 that we'd still be blogging about Dachshunds - day in - day out - ad nauseum for even some of the most ardent Dachshundists.  Still, we move forward, documenting all the Dachshund news, art, history, and popular culture that we can get our stubby little paws on. 
Every year at this time we examine where we are, where we've been, and where we're going with the site by looking at our "About" statement to see if we are still on course:

As the internet's first daily Dachshund news magazine, we're hoping to update this blog almost every day with Dachshund news from around the world, Dachshund stories, videos, famous Dachshunds, photos, art, and history. We hope to keep everything stress free and ad free....just a fun place for Dachshund lovers to kick back, relax, (with your doxie on your lap!) and read all about these lovable little dogs that bring such joy to our lives.

Reading over this again, we seem to be on course, but it's a pretty diverse statement - as diverse as the long dogs and their humans that we document it would seem.  So, while we may get a little off topic at times, we do of course try to focus on the dogs that bring us all together on this site.  We garner special attention to those stories which invoke some sort of deep emotion - happiness, sadness, passion, hope, despair - so that when you come here in the middle of your day, taking a break from adding up those facts and figures at the office, or dusting the collectibles on the mantel, that you at least feel......something.   
Thanks to all our loyal readers and commentors for sticking with us over the years - it's been a fun ride.  Your submissions are always the best - we've gotten great story tips, and we love to see your handsome Dachshunds and to read all about them and their antics.  Each and every dog is so unique and so special and so loved.  We also would like to apologize to all the good folks who have sent us submissions that didn't make it on the site - there are probably 3 or 4 submissions to every one posted, and we just wish we had more hours in the day to get more done. 
And so, we wrap up Long and Short of it All post number 2,428.  Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.

Yours in Dachshund Love,
Joey and Maggie.....


  1. Cynthia (Geneva's Mom)May 28, 2011 at 2:38 PM

    Congratulations - on your anniversary and on a job very well done.
    I don't know what I'd do without my daily hit of "dachshundalia."
    Your blog is a class act through and through. Thanks for four years of excellence!

  2. Happy 4th year!! I LOVE the new Photo at the top. Looks great! :)

  3. Happy Annidachsary! And it is my birthday too (yeah!) Love your blog - and just shows even more proof that once you have one doxie you are hooked forever.

  4. Hi Carson, Joey and Maggie, congratulations on this your 4th anniversary of blogging. You are a daily must read for me. I have greatly enjoyed your blog. We all appreciate that you spend your time to provide such great reading for all of us.

    Baxter's Dad

  5. Happy 4th Anniversary!
    And many more to come!
    I love to read all your posts!
    Happy weekend!
    Kisses and hugs

  6. Congrats! The BEST dachshund blog is YOURS.


  7. Congratulations on your anniversary! Your blog makes my day - every day!

  8. You have earned the excellence in blog-casting award. If you're gonna do something...why not be the best? That's what dachshunds are the best! ~Cheers~

  9. Dear Joey, Maggie and Carson. What a happy place it is here on your blog. Congratulations on a beautiful piece of work -- I know you couldn't have done it all without each other. You're a spectacular pack. Love and wishes for health and happiness, from Bruno and H.D.s Olga and Latka, and their humble 2-legs Christa & Tony

  10. Congratulations on being 4 years old, Baron and I enjoy your site...for doxie laughter and a few doxie tears this is the place to be! Thank you for sharing! And you're welcome!

  11. Happy Anniversary to all three of you from one of your biggest fans!

    Becky (and Michael-dog too)

  12. Super blog site, we love it, keep up the good work!
    Happy Anniversary, and many more...

  13. Congratulations on your 4th Anniversary. We love your site, keep up the good work!

    Sue, Pepsi and Max

  14. Congratulations!

    I visit the blog just about every weekday - it's my favorite dog blog, and not only because it's about dachsies.

  15. Jayne D. and AnnieBelleMay 30, 2011 at 8:57 AM

    Congratulations on your Fourth Anniversary, Carson, Joey and Maggie!! Your blog has become an essential part of each day for me - there is always something funny, educational, heartwarming, interesting and/or just plain fun to enjoy. There is no better source for all things Dachshund. Thank you for all the time and effort it takes you to produce this perfect blog - thank you for my daily dose of pure sunshine. Love, Jayne and Annie(my little sunshine)

  16. Congratulations on your anniversary! I know I have enjoyed your blog everyday. Great work and thank you for sharing Joey and Maggie with us. Wishing many happy healthy years ahead.

  17. Congratulatiooooonsss!:) We enyoj your "on courae" blog almost every day, its really good, writen with passion and love for the "long" breed.
    Keep up the work and many years of helt and good luck doing it...

    Thanks and kisses from Princess Leia...

  18. and many morrrrrrrrrrrre! :) :) b

  19. Congrats Joey, Maggie and Carson!!! We LOVE your site and are faithful readers - it's in a permanent place on my toolbar for easy access!! It's nice to hear about 18 year old doxies to the cutest of cute puppies.

    love, love, love,
    Roxie Lou, Coco Beane and Auntie Annie Em

  20. Thank you for brightening our day the dachsie way!

  21. Oh my - 4 years already?? I hope u still enjoy doing it as much as we enjoy reading it. It's true - I don't know what we would do without you.
    Thank you Carson for all the laughter, tears, joy and love you have brought us. We love you for all that you do.
    I hope you continue. You are a class act for sure.
    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


  22. Hi and congratulations.I am posting from Argentina and my wife and I are the proud owners of lovely Uschi,a miniature dachshund that is a year and 3 months old.Happy to read it all about our beloved pets.

  23. We love the blog and we love you! The balance of themes in the stories and your wonderful writing style and photos are just wonderful. A few friends in my office check in every day because the content is so great, and they aren't even dachsie people!
    Thank you for all you do and Happy Anniversary!
    Melinda, Teagan and, in spirit, Jeeves
