
Monday, March 21, 2011

Vintage Dachshund Fun

(click image to enlarge)

Spring has sprung!  The birds are chirping and the daffodils have awakened from their winter slumber. The glorious smells of spring have returned, and while we sniffed and sniffed on our morning walk this morning, we'll be darned if we couldn't sniff out any Dachshund news to report.  So, let's head back to the 1950's when this humorous little illustration was published in The Dachshund Club News (England), as illustrated by Sheila Dolan.

Have a great Monday!


  1. This little illustration is a great way to start the week. Thanks for sharing!!!!

    Mom thinks they they didn't neuture/spay!! Arf and a woof.

  2. It's a good smile to start the week: overflowing doxie love!

  3. Jayne D. and AnnieBelleMarch 21, 2011 at 10:42 AM

    Dachshunds are like potato chips - - you can't have just one!! Thank you for today's smile!! Jayne and Annie

  4. LOL...cute cartoon! Even Baron smiled!

  5. Jeez! It looks like my house!

  6. Me, too! i started out with Guinness and now I have four! The only reason I don't have more is that I'm moving out of the country within the year!
