
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Reunited, And It Feels So Good!

Thanks to the folks who left us comments letting us know that 'Jack' and 'Otto' have been found!  We're sure that you remember their story:  the Bristol, UK, 7-month-old Dachshunds were in a Land Rover which was stolen while their human was attending a funeral.  Appeals on national television didn't turn up any leads for 5 long weeks, but they were finally found last Friday when they updated their Two Missing Dogs facebook page:  OMG.. We have Jack and Otto back!!!! had a call today from someone, picked them up in Banbury 2 hours ago. So happy x x.
They go on to note:  So so so happy. They are both very well and put on weight!!! Just fantastic and I'm so grateful to everyone who has supported us through this. Thank you... x x x

Welcome Home Jack and Otto!


  1. We are so happy to hear this news too. Its sad and hard when u lose beloved pets that way as u don't know what have become of them. Great news, its makes our day!!!
    Any news yet on the other little guy from Ontario who's mom and dad's semi was stolen in Texas with him still in it?

  2. OMGosh, so happy you're home safe and sound "Jack and Otto"...well done listen on the QT are you sure one of you guys didn't take the Land Rover for a little spin? Come on...I'll never tell! Lots of happy yappy! Baron

  3. SOOOO glad to hear!! our tails are waggin' at full speed once we heard the news!!!!!

    Roxie Lou, Coco Beane and Auntie Em

  4. FANTASTIC! I'm so thankful to hear the wonderful news.
