
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Shades of Hope

Joey, Summer 2009

It's with such great happiness, relief, and joy to report that your 'Long and Short of it All' host Joey has pulled through his bilateral adrenalectomy surgery.  It has been a troubling day - his surgery didn't start until early afternoon.  Dad kept badgering the surgery team at the veterinary referral center for some sort of update all morning.  The anesthesia team finally started a little after noon, and we're not sure exactly what time his surgery began, but were told that we would be called if there were any complications.  Read:  we didn't want that phone to ring until he would be done with surgery at about 4:30 PM.
The call finally came.  Other than the complicated surgery itself, there were no complications.  The surgeon was worried about heavy blood loss, and there has been some - so he may still get a blood transfusion.  The good news is that the larger adrenal tumor was not adhered to the wall of the vena cava. 
The masterful surgeon also found a growth on Joey's spleen, which could possibly continue to grow and eventually burst, so his spleen was also removed. 
Joey isn't out of the water yet, there are still many complications which could occur in the next few hours.  But the skilled surgery team is working to monitor the incision, and the ingenious ICU team is keeping him stabilized.  The good doctor said that his coloring is good, and that his heart has good rhythm.  (Must be all that good music he listens to!)  He is on a fentanyl drip for pain, and receiving oxygen.  Labs look good.  Tomorrow the 3rd team moves in - the internal medicine specialists who will evaluate him as he moves forward without his adrenal glands, and to start all the necessary medications.  Hoping to be able to visit him tomorrow.
Best case scenario:  Joey may be ready to come home on Thursday afternoon.  We're not about to jump the gun here though, he won't be coming home until he's absolutely ready.
We can't thank everyone enough again for all the support, well-wishes and prayers for Joey (and Maggie and their Dad!) during this time.  We're honestly humbled by your kindness and love.


  1. That is wonderful news! I am so happy to hear the surgery went all right!
    Joey the longhaired dachshund & Adam

  2. Rock on Joey. Schatzi is so relieved to know you made it through the surgery and are on the road to getting better. WOOF

  3. Yeah!! Very good news indeed. We'll continue to pray for Mr Joey's fast recovery!

    Nelly, Minnie, Kirby, Henry
    (and Mom Lyn)

  4. Good job Joey. We're so happy to hear that the surgery went well. We're still sending those rayz your way and hope you are at home soon.
    Love Ruby & Penny

  5. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! We have been checking all day to see if Joey was ok. *hugs n snuggles*
    Gracie and Piper

  6. I'm so glad to hear this! Keep on gettin' better, Joey! And rest assured in the knowledge that there are plenty of us out here with fingers--and paws--crossed for you!

  7. So glad to hear the surgery went well. A prayer answered. Will be praying for Joey's ongoing recovery and for Joey's Dad too!

  8. What wonderful news! I've been thinking about all of you all day and am so glad to hear the surgery went so well. Take it easy for a few days, Joey. Congratulations on having a rock-and-roll heart!

  9. Truly wonderful news, Joey. May your recovery continue with no complications and may you get stronger every day.

    Hugs to you, Maggie and dad Carson.

  10. We're all pulling for you Joey


  11. This is great news! We'll keep sending those positive thoughts your way. Hang in there little Joey!

  12. Joey, you're a badger dog! Any dog that can beat up badgers can get through this!

    Holly the Mini-Doxie

  13. nice tohear Joey is fine, but we're still keeping paws crossed!

  14. We've been biting our nails since your Friday post and are so relieved to hear that Joey's surgery went well! We hope his recovery goes swiftly and smoothly so that he can be at home with you soon.

    Franny & the Doxiementary Gang

  15. Big woof from the North of Germany! First thing this morning was to check if there were any updates about Joey. Thank God for your good news! We keep hoping and praying for a quick recovery and send all our best wishes to all of you!

  16. Mufti, Naji and FamilyAugust 18, 2010 at 3:41 AM

    We're so happy, and relieved, to hear Joey's surgery was a success, we have been anxiously waiting since your last post.
    We wish Joey a speedy complete recovery, and Maggie and their Dad a quick recovery from the stress.
    Thinking of you all,
    Mufti, Naji and Family

  17. Two paws up and a double wag from Mimi & Patty! You'll be snarfing down biscuits in no time!

  18. You guys are the best! Been calling to check on Joey every few hours, 3 times last night, and just got off the phone for a 6 AM update. He continues to be stable. Vitals normal, he's on heat support for low temp, but it is slowly rising, he has a large bruise on his addomen which is normal from the surgery, but it is growing. They checked his platelets because of that, and they are normal. His packed cell volume is good, and actually rising, so they increased his fluids. BP normal. Keeping oxygen on him for now to keep him comfortable. Still on fentanyl drip. EKG normal. Urine level normal, although he would not potty for them. He was dribbling though, so they put in a catheter so that urine would not infect his incision. Docs will round about 8 or 9 AM to discuss his next steps. Hope to visit him later today.

  19. Dear Joey
    praying every step of the way for you - you are such a brave strong dog x
    Our prayers and thoughts for you and Maggie and your Dad, lots of love and hugs,
    Kerry & the Foxkerry hounds x x

  20. Joey, you are one strong dog! Jeeves and I are continuing to maintain our "good energy love connection" to Joey, Maggie and you. We are happy to hear about the surgery and his overall progress and status; we are praying that all continues to improve.
    Remember to eat, papa, and give maggie some extra hugs for us; she must miss her brother.

  21. We are sending good vibes your way, Joey! Hugs to you, Maggie and your dad.
    Nahlah and her humans

  22. A big woof and lick from Vancouver Canada! I've been reading this blog for only a few days but I'm head over heels for Joey and Maggie! I send all my love to Joey and well wishes for a speedy recovery! My doxie had a very serious surgery a few years ago and it was one of the hardest times in my life but I'm happy to say he's alive and well! (and continues to beg for belly rubs) Again, get well Joey, thinking of you and your family!


  23. Woof!! Are we happy to hear Joey's surgery went well and the good up-date on his vitals from Dad. We will continue to send our love, kisses, prayers and paws crossed until Joey is completely recovered and home with Maggie and Dad. Try to get some rest now Dad cause stress sneaks up on you and can make you ill so take care of yourself too. Maggie I bet you are happy Joey will be coming home soon. Love from Sass the Bold, LollyPop Wiggle Butt, Shilo Baby Bean and Maggie Muffin from Quebec, Canada

  24. Woof, WOOF WOOF! YEAH JOEY! We are pulling for you and hope this is just the first of a LOT of good news! We are still thinking of you, Maggie, and Dad every day.

    --Oscar and Hans

  25. I lurk on your blog because I had a pair of standards until las year. I was so worried about him! Good luck, Joey!

  26. yipEE - tail wags all around!! still praying, but glad you are over the surgery!!! kisses from Coco Beane, Roxie Lou & Auntie Annie Em!!

  27. so glad to hear joey came through the surgery. YAHOO! now schnitzel; winnie; wilbur and i will seen good thoughts joey's way for a speedy recovery.

  28. What a relief. We've been checking in every day, hoping for good news.
    So glad the surgery was successful.

  29. So glad to hear that things are going well so far! We will continue to pray for Joey to be healed quickly, and for strength for you all. I know this isn't an easy thing to go through. God bless!

    Debi & Ringo

  30. HOORAY! WONDERFUL NEWS! Please post an address we can send get well cards to?

  31. Faith, Tigger and Petie's tails are just a wagging in SC at this news! This is wonderful news, and their mother hopes the great news just keeps on coming for Joey and his family!

  32. That is great news, glad to hear your wiener dog Joey made it through!

    I love your blog, best Dachshund blog I have found on the web, keep up the good work!

    I have a Dachshund too and I love him to pieces, they are great dogs. :)

  33. So relieved to hear about Joey! (I don't know if you remember us, but my daughter was the one who drew some funny pictures of our dachshund puppy, Cooper, in her school science project we sent you this past winter.) Last night she climbed out of her bed and came up to me in the living room looking worried, and asked me, "Is Joey okay?" I was glad to tell her he is. :) We're thinking of you!

  34. So pleased to read that the surgery went well. Our Veteranarians really have a gift of healing. Best wishes to Joey in the days ahead!

  35. So glad to hear that your surgery went well, Joey! Lots of prayers, hugs and kisses for you, Dad, and Maggie. Hope you get to come home soon!
