
Monday, August 2, 2010

A Note From Joey and Maggie: Please Stand By

We're in the middle of a kitchen remodel, so posting will be, like Joey, a bit spotty.  Maggie has gone out to hunt for the perfect faucet and countertops, and Joey is installing the new cabinets today. 

Tuesday doesn't look much better as Joey has an appointment with a specialty vet for an abdominal ultrasound before he starts his complicated and dangerous treatment for Cushing's Disease.  We had no idea that Cushing's was prominent in Dachshunds, you don't hear about it too much.  Prognosis isn't that great, but knowing is half the battle as they say.  Left untreated it can lead to more serious issues.  Maggie is showing early signs of the disease as well.  Give your four-legged friends a big hug. 

Here's a little primer on Cushing's Disease.  There is a great website out there called K9Cushings which has links to informative articles on the subject if you're interested in learning about this disease which apparently affects many Dachshunds.

Yours in Dachshund Love,
Joey and Maggie.....


  1. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Cushing's Disease is no fun, but the treatments, I've heard, are a lot better now than they were even a few years ago. Sending many healing hugs!

    ~Debi & Ringo

  2. Dear Joey

    I am so sorry to hear that you might have Cushing's. A few years ago, my vet thought I might have it, too. Yes, it is quite common in dachshunds. My liver enzymes were wacky etc., but I went on some supplements, and 1 year later, my enzymes are normal and I do not have Cushing's. So try everything, including holistic treatments like I had. I will be keeping my stubby paws crossed for you!

  3. I will have my paws crossed for you!
    I hope everything goes well!
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

    Thanks for sharing the website.

  4. Thanks so much for posting that video, I have a vet appointment next week because Baron has been acting funny and peeing a lot so I will mention this as well.

  5. Just a caption for Joey: "Somebody's gonna hafta help with the step ladder. On second thought, somebody's gonna hafta help with the cabinets!"

  6. WE 4 dachies are keeping our paws crossed for you Joey. Lets hope that by getting treatment in its early stages helps it not to get out of control. We hear there are good treatments out there for cushings. Keep us posted, we are woofing for ya.

  7. What!! Maggie on a shopping spree? Do you actually think she will come home with just faucets and cabinets?

  8. Be brave, little guy!
    Hugs and kisses from Warsaw, Poland:)

  9. sending you the warmest of hugs, Joey n Maggie.

  10. Jeeves and I send big hugs, kisses and sniffs (jeeves sends those). Keep us posted on the dynamic duo, we love you all.
    BTW, Jeeves now wants to redo my kitchen--he'd like the countertops to be a bit lower....m

  11. So sorry to hear about the Cushing's diagnosis. We have our fingers and paws crossed. Hugs from Virginia....Molly in McLean

  12. So, we're kinda sitting here on tenterhooks, waiting for the word on Joey's visit to the V-E-T. My four dachshunds are very anxious, and so am I!

    And it's been almost four full days with no word, so we're basically FALLING APART!! PLEASE CHECK IN, MAGGIE AND JOEY!!!!!!
