
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dad's Little Angels

Cell phone photo:  Maggie and Joey, August 25, 2010

We took Maggie to visit with Joey at the veterinary specialty center last night.  It was a nice visit and they sat together for a good hour or so.  Joey rested his tired little head on his sister.  Joey is not doing well.  The surgery-induced pancreatitis is getting the best of him.  We haven't given up hope yet, but will know more after we discuss his options with his internal medicine vet this morning.  Thank you for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers.   


  1. Hang in there, Joey and you too, Maggie and Carson. You have all our love.

    Auntie Karen and Da Herd

  2. Those eyes!

    Joey, if we could, we would take all of your pain away. We are sure it cheered you up to see Maggie! Here's hoping you two are back to paying in the sunbeams again soon.

    --Oscar, Hans, and Holly

  3. OOPS we meant "LAYING" in the sunbeams! Gosh it's hard to type with paws!

    --Oscar, Hans, and Holly

  4. Oh jeez. That photo did me in this morning.

    Thinking good thoughts for all of you.

  5. ((((((Joey))))))


  6. Oh Carson, I'm focusing on you and Joey this morning as much as I am work.
    Jeeves is at home with his paws crossed and I am praying while typing.
    Love, love, love you Joey, Carson and Maggie! Melinda and Jeeves

  7. There's not a waking hour these days that you are not in our thoughts, Joey. Be strong for you dad and your sister and all of us.

  8. Hang in there Joey you are in our thoughts and daily doggy prayers. We love you :)

    Oscar, Bailey and Mom Meagan

  9. I am as devasted by this setback as if he were my own dog. Oh, how I want the power of all our prayers to be granted for Joey! I hope that the internal medicine vet can help him overcome the pancreatitis and lead him to a full recovery soon.

  10. Dear Joey,

    You all (Joey, Dad, Maggie) are in our thoughts are prayers. Please get well soon. We are all praying for you, sending healing thoughts, and checking on your progress several times daily.
    On a related note...
    My (human) mother had pancreatitis and was hospitalized for several weeks. During all that time she didn't eat anything, but was given an IV for nutrition ans pain meds. She said she wasn't at all hungry. It was scary for us, but she recovered and is now fine. Maybe that story will give you hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
    Sending healing and loving thoughts to you all.

  11. "HAng in JOEY"-WOOF from the north of Germany. Little Joey is constantly in our thoughts and prayers - as well as Carson and Maggie. We hope our "positive energy" will give all of you strength & patience & the little spark of luck you need to master challenges like this. And we know you will! Get better soon!
    Tobi & Anika

  12. Joey, we are all sad about this news. We are sending lots and lots of healing prayers and get well thoughts. Get well buddy, your dad, Maggie and all your fans want you back to your old self again. Your 4 fans from Quebec Canada

  13. Poor baby! Our household is in continual prayer for Joey. I got my husband reading the blog sometimes, or if he doesn't I update him.

  14. Hang in there little man, you can get through this. We are sending lots of love your way.
    Love Ruby & Penny

  15. What a sweet photo! I am happy he got to spend time with the whole family. We love you from afar Joey and think of you and your strong will many times a day. Best of luck, stay strong Joey (and the rest of the family too).

    Jessica, Arthur and Bauer

  16. Hi Joey, just said another prayer that our Good Lord will heal your pancreatitis. Please hang in. We all want you to get home and keep getting better. Joey's Dad, we are praying for you. I know your heart aches seeing your loved one in pain. Praying to the Lord that He will ease your apprehension and pain in heart.

  17. Come on Joey, you is a doxie so dat means you is a fighter...or is it stubborn? Same thing in my book though.
    We are still sending our thoughts and prayers to you all.
    Dat was a wonderful thing to takes Maggie to sees Joey:)

    Puddles and family

  18. Thinking of Joey (and Maggie and Mr. Carson) every single day and hoping for a speedy recovery. Hang in there little dude.

    P.S. Toby was insistent that I send this picture.

  19. yep, that picture did me in this morning too!! sniffle, sniffle....well, it sounds like maggie's visit was good. I HATE pancreatitis. Both of my babes have that as a chronic condition. we have spent too many times in the ER for that, BUT, once it gets settled down, you'll be able to manage at home. we are on the best food ever that has kept Roxie in the clear for a long time. my vet finally concluded - she might have a food allergy that might be triggering it.

    we all prayed together on the bed last nite - sending Joey healing kisses and lots of tail wagging love.

    -Roxie Lou, Coco Beane and Auntie Annie Em

  20. Joey! My humans and I continue to send in our prayers. Stay strong and heal quickly!

  21. Be strong Joey! you have a lot of people pulling for you! we love you!

  22. Joey, it broke my heart to see those sad eyes...although I was happy to see you with your sister Maggie, as I am sure that was a nice treat for you. Hang in there doxie! Dachshunds are tenacious little guys and I know so many people and fellow dachshunds care about you! You are in my thoughts. Love, Jane and the gang in Hawaii.

  23. we are so glad to see both Maggie & Joey together! hopefully Maggie's visit will cheer Joey up a whole lot! :) doxies are tough n Joey has so many supporting him. he'll hopefully be 100% ok soon.

    Happie thoughts from Jolyn & Jed. :)

  24. Jayne D. and AnnieBelleAugust 26, 2010 at 11:13 AM

    May God Bless you, sweet Joey, and bring comfort and peace to you, Maggie and your Dad. With love, Jayne D. and AnnieBelle

  25. just dig deep inside and find that dachshund fighting spirit!! I keep you in my thoughts and prayers each day!!

    Hope you are better really soon and sunning at home! Love you little guy!!!

  26. Joey, stay strong, we know you can make it!! We are praying for you and your family, and sending you all hugs ^-^

    Lots of love,
    Debi & Ringo

  27. Sorry to hear about Joey's struggles to recuperate. I have been following along and truly hope and pray that he will rally through this latest challenge. I'm really sorry that you three are going through this.

  28. Trust in your love and trust in the process. Everything happens for a reason and all of us who read this blog and love Joey will learn something from his journey. Thank you to Joey for being such a fighter and for uniting us all with our love for him!!!!!! Joey's fight makes us all believe in the power of positive thought and that is truly a gift.


  29. Hang in there Joey, you have been such an inspiration to both Bismarch and I

    Lex and Bismarch

  30. Joey, you are as brave as your daddy! Remember, black spots are the toughest! We love you.

  31. hi
    I just started to read your blog & was immediately touched by Joey & his battles....I have you all in my thoughts & prayers & am wishing for a happy outcome for you all.

  32. Joey –
    Feel our hearts beat… so that yours can rest.

    Feel our lungs inhale and exhale… so that yours can rest.

    Feel our blood coursing strong…so that yours can rest.

    Feel our spirit and our strength and our soul…let our essence wash over your frailties.

    Let us tremble for you…rest little man, rest.

    With prayers, Your Black and Tan Friends in Allen Park Michigan…Spartacus and Sampson

  33. Lots of hugs and healing wishes coming your way Joey!!

    Your doxie friend,
    Rhett Butler

  34. Joey, carry yourself with such dignity. I love you, Little Fellow. If you can just get through this rough patch...all will be well.
    You have so many people from all over...who love you! Be strong. May all be well with you very soon.

  35. Hi Joey Madi and I are sending you a big healing hello. We read on Twix's blog that you were needing lots of thoughts and prayers...we wanted to add ours to the long list,
    Madi and Mom

  36. Oh, Joey, hang in there! My family is saying prayers for you and for a speedy recovery. this is my first time to post, but I've been keeping up with your story for quite sometime. You are an inspiration! We love you!!!

    Amy, Keith, Josh,
    and our dog babies, Molly and Maggie

    P.S. Molly the dachshund says she loves to sunbathe too!

  37. Oh Joey, you have to make it!!! There is no way around it! Dad and Maggie need you! So- hang in there and get well really soon!!! Lovie< Jack and I are thinking of you!!!

  38. Hang in there, Joey! Lots of hugs and positive thoughts coming your way from black-and-tan smooth dapple Poe! Here's hoping that some more gut rest with IV fluids will clear up that pancreatitis. Hugs and hope to Maggie and Dad, too!

  39. Joey, my little Pie Pal. My family is sending positive thoughts your way. We are so glad that Maggie got to visit you. She needs you to come home soon and so does Dad. Stay strong.


  40. Sweet Joey, stay strong! You are an adorable puppy with a loving family. Sweet Joey, doxies are famously stubborn and that will help you to heal.

    Dad and Maggie, we are thinking of you as we pull for Joey.

    Love and tons of tail wags,
    Faith, Tigger and Petie (and their mother)

  41. Hang in there,sweet Joey!!
    Thinking of you every day....
    I am glad you have seen your,

    Lots of Love....

    Tanja and my Doxie's Julia and Lola..

  42. Oh sweet Joey, be well. You are truly a fighter and we hope you feel our love and positive vibes. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. :hugs:

  43. {{{Joey}}} Be strong and hang in there, but also be strong enough to take it easy for a while to let your body heal.

    Rest assured that doxie lovers all over the world are holding the three of you in our hearts during Joey's illness and recuperation.

    Much love,
    Trinket and her mom in SC

  44. Keep strong, Joey! You have so much joy to bring to this world still. Our own dachshund is wishing you well in addition to us (his parents). We have all been checking the blog a couple of times a day for updates. We wish everyone the best!

  45. My heart aches for you, Joey, and everyone who loves him. I hope this is just another setback and he rebounds quickly. We all you know what love you have for Joey and that you want only the very best for him. I hope you are not faced with having to make the hard decision but we all know that you will do the right thing for Joey. I'm a firm believer that it is better that we suffer than that our babies' suffer. My Toby lived through some very close calls and had more happy times and I hope this is true for Joey too. I had to put my GSD, Rose, to sleep earlier this year. I know how hard it is to even have to think about it. My thoughts and well wishes are with you too. I wish I could make them all happy, healthy, and pain-free. It is true that the only problem with dogs is that they don't live as long as people. I don't mean to be a downer, I just wanted to say I support you and whatever decision you make. I wish I could make it better for you and Joey. Sending much love and the bestest of wishes from Alabama. I hope the next blog brings brighter happier news.

  46. My heart aches for you, Joey, and everyone who loves him. I hope this is just another setback and he rebounds quickly. We all you know what love you have for Joey and that you want only the very best for him. I hope you are not faced with having to make the hard decision but we all know that you will do the right thing for Joey. I'm a firm believer that it is better that we suffer than that our babies' suffer. My Toby lived through some very close calls and had more happy times and I hope this is true for Joey too. I had to put my GSD, Rose, to sleep earlier this year. I know how hard it is to even have to think about it. My thoughts and well wishes are with you too. I wish I could make them all happy, healthy, and pain-free. It is true that the only problem with dogs is that they don't live as long as people. I don't mean to be a downer, I just wanted to say I support you and whatever decision you make. I wish I could make it better for you and Joey. Sending much love and the bestest of wishes from Alabama. I hope the next blog brings brighter happier news.

  47. Joey, Carson and Maggie love you and need you so very, very much. Hang in there and draw strength and healing from their love. may the Good Lord's own healing Grace shine upon you. Remember how you stood by Maggie when she pooped out at the Bark in the Park Walk in May. Maggie and Carson are standing by you now. John and Ozzie (that doxie mix) love you so very, very much and are praying and hoping for you 24/7. All our love to Joey - the sweetest dog -

  48. Dear sweet Joey, I have been looking at the picture of Maggie and you picture and saying prayers for you all day. Be strong. You have lots of supporters. We send you our healing love.

  49. Regardless of the destination, we've all grown in this journey. Thank you, my dear speckled friend Joey, darling dad Carson, and the beautiful Maggie, for the courage to share with us and show us what love looks like. Christa & the entire pack are wishing you all the best.

  50. Oh, Joey.

    I second Michigan Doxie's spell - let us carry the weight, among so many it would be nothing. Rest and heal.

  51. we continue to keep you in our prayers and thoughts... hogan and leo from va bch send all their healing thoughts to sweet joey. Please get well..

  52. dear joey,
    we, dachshundistas here in the philippines are praying for your recovery, we all love you. always praying for your recovery
    \ britney a 4 year old dachshund

  53. Praying for Joey!

  54. Oh that picture of Joey and Maggie is too much. Puppy dog eyes really pull at your heart strings. Keep fighting Joey, we're all praying for you. Get well! Lots of love and tail wags, xo.

    Taia & Slinky.

  55. sending lots of good thoughts your way, joey. schnitzel; winnie; wilbur; and i check through out the day to see updates. know you enjoyed your visit with maggie and dad. keep your chin up and tail wagging.

  56. All the best wishes and prayers are sent your way Joey. Please get well soon! Love, Piper and Gracie

  57. You are in our thoughts and prayers! Hang in there, Joey!
    ~Maggie, Milly, and Shelby

  58. Merlin and Ima DoraBelle both took a bath in the original Dachshund Jacuzzi today in solidarity with you. Guinness and Beau will bathe tomorrow, so feel better soon. (Oh and Dad, Remember to get a goose-neck sprayer faucet for precise spraying during bath time!) And my word verification is "housnu." How did the house knew??

  59. Hang in there Joey. We love you.

  60. I still have my paws crossed for you Joey!
    I really hope everything goes well.
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

  61. Booda wishes Joey all the best and hopes he gets better soon. He will say a prayer for Joey when he takes his nap in the sun tomorrow.

  62. Oh Joey!!
    Please hang on! We love you so much!
    Serena and the Nomistakin' Dachshunds

  63. ... We can't imagine anything horrible happening to Joey! We haven't stopped worrying about Joey. We will be thinking only positive thoughts.

    All our love & support,
    Nina, Franny, Ellie, & Margot

  64. Joey, we all love you! I remember you and Maggie at one of our first dachshund meetups here at our house, you both had a great time and we enjoyed it so much!
    We feel a special bond with you guys having a maggie with a sibling brother ourselves. We could see then how much you and maggie love your dad. Our Maggie pulled through a pancreatitis episode last winter and we know it is a difficult recovery. Keep hanging in there - we want many more days of laying in the sun for you, you are the best and sweetest doxie boy!
    Love and prayers from Linda, frankie and maggie

  65. Hi Joey and family! I am sending you my bestest doxie healing sun rayz....
    I know this pancreatitis stuff is horrible but I came back from the brink and so will you, you hear me? Don't make me come over there and give you a talking too!
    Seriously, Mom and I are praying for you and your family. I am so happy you were able to spend some time with your sis. I know that did you some good. Sending hearts full of love to you.
    Hugs and prayers,
    Twix and Mom

  66. Your heartache is felt amongst all dachshund lovers, you're all in our prayers.

  67. Hang in there little buddy. All the warmest of hugs. :)

  68. We hope for the best! good luck Yoey and hang in there for Dad and Maggie!

  69. We have everything crossed for you Joey (Daddy & Maggie) for you to start feeling better.

    Maybe this will cheer you up?

    Love & Hugs from
    Lilli xx

  70. Hello from North Carolina. Checking in to see what the latest is.

    Paws very very crossed down here, all three pair.


  71. PS All three dogs, not three pair.

    That would make six pair of paws total. Easy to do front ones. Those back ones.... not so easy, but at a time like now, that is the case for Joey support.
