
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Those Special Dachshunds: Meet Guster and Clive!

Guster (left) and Clive (right) relax in the rocking chair.  Click any photo to enlarge.

It's Wednesday.  And that can only mean one thing:  Yep, it's Wirehair Wednesday!  Thanks so much to Jennifer and Tim Sperl for sending in such beautiful photos of their wirehair wonders 'Guster' and 'Clive,' who are both rescues from Dachshund Lovers of Texas!  They write:

Dear Joey and Maggie,

Guster needed 3 back surgeries soon after we rescued them, and we are so glad he pulled through. Surgeon said he would have to be in one of those little carts, but after lots of supplements, rehab, and acupuncture, Guster is walking and running again - not perfect, but he manages just fine.

Something that didn't come back all the way is his continence, so we have to keep him clean and dry with his stylish little belly bands.

They are brothers and are completely inseparable and love each other as much as they love us. Clive even saved Guster's life a couple years ago. Guster was in another room choking. Clive must have sensed it because he leapt off the couch and barked until we came back to pull the chew out of Guster's throat.

Their favorite thing to do is cuddle with us on the couch, chase birds out of the yard, and lay in the sun.

I am a photographer, so I have COUNTLESS photos of these 2 guys who have brought such joy to our lives!

At the park in Ouray, CO with Daddy and Mama

Guster and Clive taking a walk in Utah

Attached at the hip on the deck


  1. Linda and the crittersApril 14, 2010 at 10:54 AM

    Too sweet. Glad to hear that Guster is doing so well after surgery.

  2. You are amazing, to rescue your two little guys and then to make it through multiple back surgeries. My little girl just had surgery earlier this year, and she's a little wobbly (still as feisty as ever, though!). I know how much work it takes to help them recover -- and to do it more than once! You are angels.

  3. Those are our wienderful boys! Thanks <3

  4. These guys are just too cute!!!!

  5. Beautiful dogs! Hats off to you for saving them. Re the incontinence: I had an incontinent dachshund and the vet showed me how to express him,. It was so easy, and there was no need for "diapers." If I recall, Dodger's List has videos on this subject.
    Good luck!

  6. I do express Mr. Guster-Goober-Goo, but he still dribbles. The belly bands are easier than going behind him and cleaning floors.
