
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lily The Dachshund: Life Is Looking Up For This Sweet Girl


Thanks so much to our roving reporter pal 'Dylan' for sending in this troubling yet reaffirming story of 'Lily,' the little red smooth who was abused and left abandoned in a box at the side of the road in New York state.  Thankfully she now has a home where she is deeply loved.  Dylan reports:

Hi Maggie and Joey!

Dylan Dachshund here with a very heartwarming story about Lily in New York. Lily was tragically left on the side of the road in upstate New York in a closed up box. She was found by a very caring gentleman by the name of Dennis Gregory who turned her over to the local animal shelter. They in turn contacted Cyndi and Mike West (who I have had the personal pleasure of sniffing and receiving belly rubs from), who took Lily to their home and provided her with the loving care she was in need of. Mike, a former DA in Schoharie Valley, New York, then set out to bring justice to the evil people who mistreated Lily. It didn't take long and now Miss Lily is living the good life with the West family while those evil people are getting what they deserve. I just wanted to give the West family a huge Bark-out for being so amazing for Lily!!

Read all about Lily at The Times Journal.

Our roving reporter 'Dylan'



  2. A wonderful, but sad story. I am continually amazed by how thoughtless and cruel some people can be. But on the other hand, there are wonderful caring people to pick up the pieces. We need more of those!

  3. wiiiiiiiii... go Lily!
    and kisses for Dylan from Lea for being a knight in shinning armour!

  4. Good thing there are people who are willing to fight for these little voiceless victims. Way to go Lily!! you are now loved and safe.

  5. It makes me physically sick to know there are people who could look into those sweet eyes and want to hurt her or dispose of her. I will never ever understand animal abuse. My heart aches for all of the countless victims.

  6. I would give Lily the beautiful a home any day. God Bless these people for taking her in! Kudos for the arrest of the abusers!
