
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Those Special Dachshunds: Meet Tobi!

We could sure use help from our readers with this one. Check out this beautiful guy who hails all the way from Lübeck, Germany. His human writes:

Dear Joey and Maggie,

I'm writing to you from Germany, having the impression that the two of you are genuine experts on Dachshunds! My 4-legged friend Tobi had been saved from a Killing Station in Spain, one year ago. He's now 12 years old, alive and kicking and always in the center of the attention (as all Dachshunds are!). Luckily, my boss gave permission to take Tobi with me to the office. He got him the position of an "Official-Sub-Desk-Area-Manager", which entitles Tobi to stroll around, say HELLO to everybody and plead for doggychew. Now, my question: It's quite obvious that he's not 100% Dachshund, but due to the fact that I have no clue about Tobi's past, I haven't figured out which other breed might be in his family tree.. Basset Hound? Beagle? He's quite big for a Dachshund and his front paws are massive! But I can assure you, that he's 100% Dachshund inside!!! Or could it be possible that he's a rare sort of Dachshund? Any hint will be welcome, because people don't stop asking me about his bloodline! Many thanks in advance!

Kind regards and WoofWoof from Tobi,

Experts, hardly! It's hard for us to tell from the photo, and wirehairs are especially more difficult for us, but he certainly looks long and short, and has the face and head of a Dachshund. Dachshunds come in so many colors and varieties, just from the photo alone we'd be remiss to discount him as 100% Dachshund. There's a thin line it seems between a piebald Dachshund and a tri-color; and we don't think that tri-color is an official Dachshund color or pattern, but when you see one like this one who owns Fashion designers Traver Rains and Richie Rich, there is definitely more of a beagle coloring versus the traditional piebald pattern - and yet he's still a Dachshund.

He's certainly handsome regardless. Can anyone provide any more clues?


  1. I love his face! Looks like a Dachshund from the photos.

  2. His coloring is beautiful. Thanks for rescuing him! I love his "job title!"

  3. dunno what else he might be, but he's 100% cutie!!

  4. Let science speak! Dog DNA tests are widely available (in this country, anyway) for around $100.

  5. I think he has a wee bit o'collie. I wonder about the dog DNA testing racket,I know three people and it comes back mostly terrier . Of course,the dogs looked nothing like. i would like to hear more about other results.

  6. Smooth red/black and tan combo Jeeves in Chicago thinks that Tobi is a long-hair/wire-hair combo doxie with just a touch of Jack Russell? Either way, we both thinks he's very handsome and is wearing his age quite well. Melinda

  7. i saw a dachshund like this once. it was half doxie - half scottie i think. if you are really curious you can buy a DNA Dog Breed Kit. I've never used one, but it looks interesting. Here is the link

    He's adorable, good luck!

  8. I would agree with Clara - he looks like he has some collie in him - possibly bearded collie. Definitely not all daxie (as we say in the UK) but gorgeous nonetheless.

  9. Looks like Dachshund to me. Isn't the thicker foot more common now and especially in the Wire. He's gorgeous. If there is a mix I think it is all Doxie just a long hair and a wire. We need more Wires out there. Don't see them as often. The world can always use more Dachsies.

  10. Whatever he is he is gorgeous :)
