
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ruben: "The Rubenator"

Meet elusive black and tan smooth 'Ruben,' and his human Laura Swope, who hail from Ypsilanti , Michigan. Last week they went to Pet Supplies Plus to to have his picture taken as a fundraiser for DHK Animal Rescue. The trouble started when the dog with a history of IVDD dashed out the door on 2.5 hour hell-bent mission, and it took cops, bikers, pedestrians, a cab driver, security guard, rescue workers and a tow truck driver to corral the little rascal.
He finally got stuck under under a low-sitting car when the tow truck driver was called to get him out. This was followed by a trip to the emergency vet via a University of Michigan police officer, who also made a donation to help with his care. Glad to hear he's OK. Read the whole wacky story at

1 comment:

  1. What a scary story. We're glad Ruben is safe.
    Love Ruby & Penny
