
Monday, February 16, 2009

Dachshund News Roundup!

Proving once again that there's no other love like Dachshund Love, here's a dachshund news roundup on a seasonably cool Monday, February 16th, 2009. Happy President's Day. Woof! There were a couple of big pet-related Mardi Gras celebrations over the weekend, with Barkus Pet Parades in both New Orleans and St. Louis. The St. Louis event also featured Wiener Races! Above, revelers take pictures and pet 'Teenie,' a red smooth dressed as a hot dog, at the Mystic Krewe of Barkus Mardi Gras parade in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Sunday, Feb. 15, 2009. Source.

PETA. Love 'em or hate em, they know how to get your attention. PETA says that Wieners come out Winners by not being asked to run across the ice in Columbus, Ohio. Here is their press release: Ohio State University Athletics Department marketing director Brian Flenner has earned a Compassionate Action Award from PETA for canceling a "dog race on ice" promotion scheduled for last Sunday's Buckeye vs. Notre Dame hockey game. He made the decision after learning that dachshunds are particularly prone to painful hip, joint, back, and leg problems. Promoters had been seeking dachshunds to participate in the race.
PETA points out that in addition to the risk of serious injury to the dogs--who have been bred to have spines that are too delicate for strenuous activity and sometimes snap--the bright lights, screaming fans, and loud noises that make sporting events exciting for fans can also be stressful for small dogs.
As a token of its appreciation, PETA has also sent Flenner a box of vegan chocolates.
"We applaud OSU's Athletic Department for recognizing that little dogs and ice races don't mix," says PETA Assistant Director Kristie Phelps. "With this compassionate decision, the Buckeyes scored big even before the face-off."

Meanwhile, we're guessing that the 2nd annual Sioux Nation Pet Clinic "Wiener Dog Ice Races" took place as planned for last Saturday night in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. How do you feel about dachshunds racing on ice? Is PETA on the mark here? It seems as though they are against any wiener races, but do you think dachshunds should be running on ice?

PETA Related: Dachshund Lovers Support Animal Birth Control

In the news we don't like to talk about department, but mention in case someone would like to make a donation, a dachshund was found badly injured in a dumpster in Black Hawk, Iowa. Caution, the photo is hard to look at.

And finally, handsome champion mini wirehairs sit at the feet of breeder Celli Jones of Thornton, Colorado, after competing in the Rocky Mountain Cluster Dog Show on Sunday in Denver. How's the view from down there? Read more about the event at The Denver Post.

Have a great Monday.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with PETA that racing wiener dogs on ice is too dangerous. As racing wiener dogs in general, the PETA press release says "little dogs and *ICE* races don't mix" (my emphasis). So I wouldn't assume they're against all races--just ones on ice.
