
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dachshund Hero Saves Her Human From Dog Attack!

Meet the Heroine: 7-year-old red smooth rescue 'Baby Joe,' and her human Cecile Murray, 79, of Montgomery, Texas. Mrs. Murray was out walking Baby Joe when she was attacked by a stray pitbull-mix last week. Baby Joe's heroics saved her life. Way to go Joe!! Excerpt from The Courier:

Murray said she began to roll on the ground in an effort to soften the dog’s grip on her leg when Baby Joe leapt into action, launching an arsenal of thunderous barks while hurdling Murray as she rolled on her lawn.
“I was surprised; she (pit bull mix) wouldn’t bite her (Baby Joe). It was like she was afraid of her,” Murray said. “I thought in a way, her jumping over me prevented the dog from biting higher on my body.”
Murray said her attacker released her leg, due to the display put on by Baby Joe, and gave her enough time to deliver a solid kick to the dog and escape inside the home. Baby Joe also scampered to the house. Murray’s husband Art called Montgomery County Animal Control officials, who apprehended the dog shortly after the attack.

Read all the details at The Courier.

Related: Dachshund Heros!

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