
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Congratulations Bark Obama, President-elect of The United States of America

Well, we're hoping it's the dawn of a new age. Your Long and Short of it All hosts voted today, Maggie "The Maverick" voted for her hero John McCain, and Joey "Joebama" voted for his hero Barack Obama. Maggie is a bit grouchy, but has accepted the defeat of her candidate, and says "I urge all Americans in congratulating Mr. Obama, and I hope we can work through our differences to make this a stronger nation for tomorrow's dachshund puppies." Joey says "I've waited my whole life for a Democratic President. It's a dream come true. Dog Bless America."

Michelle Obama has stated that she will adopt a rescue a dog after the election, please keep us dachshunds in mind. We can make a few phone calls and hook you up in a second. It's time for a dachshund in the White House.
It was nice to hear Obama say these words during his victory speech: "Sasha and Malia, I love you both more than you can imagine. And you have earned the new puppy that’s coming with us to the White House.”

A photo of Joey the Dachshund as 'Joe-bama' by purephase. See even more pics and lots of fun stuff at Rosetta Stone for the painfully alone.


  1. Sign the Dachshund for Presidential Puppy petition :)

  2. The Daily Dachshund had this story before you.

  3. Here's a good one:

  4. Thanks Ben, we'll get a link up to you today! Thanks Brian, we'll get it posted this morning, real nice shot.

  5. Check out "Who's Your Dachshund" where they have a petition going to send to President-elect Obama to bring a Doxie to the white house (they also use my artwork, yay!)...
