
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Eleven Dachshunds Left at Overcrowded Ohio Shelter

We're sad to report that eleven dachshunds were abandoned at the Fairfield County Humane Society on Monday in Fairfield County, Ohio. This is just 2 months after 50 cats were left at the same overcrowded shelter. Excerpt from "As I pulled up, I was met by a volunteer who told me we had been left 11 gifts overnight," said Executive Director Michelle Sahr.
The dachshunds, ranging in age from 1 to 8 years old, were found in cages behind the shelter -- yards away from a yellow sign stating that what the dumpers were doing was illegal.
A note left with the dogs said that the owner was unable to care for them. But, Sahr said, the dogs weren't cared for all that well in the first place.
"They're not in horrible condition. They look to be well-fed. They are flea-infested pretty badly. Some of them (are) missing hair because they need flea treatment pretty badly," Sahr said.

Read more and see a video at See a slideshow of pics at WBNS 10TV.

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