
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dachshunds in History: Frankie and The Progressive Four

(click image to enlarge)

Dog-gone what folks say when they see and hear The Progressive Four accompanied by the famous singing mascot "Frankie" on WXYZ-TV television. "Dog-gone Good" they say, too, when they taste the new and finer Frankenmuth Beer and Ale. Such harmony, such flavor.

From the back cover of the December, 1964 issue of The Harmonizer, "the society for the preservation and encouragement of barber shop quartet singing in America, inc."

Thanks to our pals Sampson, Tommy, and Gina Marie for lending us the magazine to scan! We even promise to return it one day.

1 comment:

  1. What a COOL photo! I couldn't help but then of how cool it is to have a dachshund on it... imagine if the dachsie's name was Frankie? Now that'd be really cool. Couldn't help think of that you know since I have a Frankie. :0
    Have you ever heard of They have some cool dachshund stuff! I have a fun sweatshirt from there.
