
Sunday, May 25, 2008

White Dachshunds in History

Yes, In a Shop Window's Light He Saw - A White Dachshund!
By Rusty Morris for The American Dachshund, June 1965

One Sunday in New York I was walking home from the subway when - in the light spilling from a shop window - I saw a little old lady leading - a white Dachshund!
The dog was walking slowly, smelling here and there, and she was just keeping him company. It was very nearly pure white, and obviously a Senior Citizen. I knelt, and he waddled over to smell my hand and allow me to pet his boney frame.
"He's over 16," the lady said, "and in perfect health. I wish my hearing and sight were as good as his! He's my life. When he goes, I don't want to stay around."
She smiled and turned away, leaving me standing there. I never saw them again. Surely they are gone now. Together I hope.

Man About Town: Rusty Morris

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet story! I can relate. I never want to be without a doxie again.

