
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Modern Doxie Chat

We could use some levity around here.  Our very first post after our introductory post almost 6-years-ago was called Doxie Chat, and featured a fun and informative video roundtable of New York Dachshund Lovers discussing our favorite canine. 

Flash forwarding to 2013, enjoy a Doxie Chat with a Dachshund Lover versus his "on-the-fence Dachshund Lover roommate."  These guys could talk all day, but clearly the handsome Dachshund 'Portillo' is in charge of this situation.   Watch out for the profanity, but Portillo is well-loved.

By youtuber GameOverGreggy. 

Thank You

Thank you, from the very bottom of our hearts, for the kind words and notes of encouragement after the passing of your 'Long and Short of it All' host 'Joey.'  It's been a tough month or so for so many good folks.  Thank you so much for just everything, we're having trouble putting into words, for all the wonderful comments and personal notes, cards, tributes on other sites, and also the many donations in Joey's name, from MWDR all the way to Rolling Dog Ranch.  It's wonderful that his memory can live on by helping out more of his long brethren.
We apologize for the lack of posts as of late - we've never been so idle in nearly six years.  We're probably looking at retiring the site, as it was always Joey and Maggie's work.  Rowdy sure helped out over the last year or so, but his insistence on writing on the subtle variations of chicken vs beef vs peanut butter rawhides didn't garner much attention.  We kid.  He's such a great little guy.  He looked for Joey for several weeks after he passed - he would be laying in his bed and suddenly dart up and run to a strange corner of the house, wagging his tail and sniffing - thinking that he heard Joey.  Maybe Joey's ghost was visiting us - who knows?
Thanks to all the wonderful Dachshundists who have stood by us over the years, thank you.  There may be an odd post from us every so often, but it won't be a day to day affair - unless we completely change our minds and start up 'The Long and Short of it All version 2.0'. 
In the meantime - Carry On, and Love Your Dachshunds.

Yours in Dachshund Love.